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Present time

"Two days!?" i didn't mean to raise my voice like that but come on, this bitch actually booked her for two freaking days. And to think that I said that I wouldn't need her company's services anymore.

"I'm only here for the night so technically, two nights" she corrects, my eyes snapping her way, lifting a finger accusingly.

"You! How could you even agree to this, I didn't even know anything. I had no clue!" my voice going up a few octaves with each word.

"Well, your friend told me that you'd be informed after our conversation." raising her hands up slightly in surrender. I sigh, rubbing my temple.

"No, it's fine. Sorry, I shouldn't have reacted that way, she's always been like this. She'd do anything to get her way, I know her persistence can turn in to pestering." she slowly nods and lowered her hands, now settling inside her pockets.

"It's my fault, I reluctantly accepted the appointment, not confirming it with you then caused you trouble." her tone and words sincere, her eyes held nothing but innocence.

"Well that's settled and don't worry, I'll deal with her later." my mind immediately clouded with violent thoughts, only snapping out of it when she hummed at what I said. I looked up at our house clock and noted that it was five minutes past nine.

"So um, have you had dinner yet?" she shakes her head no.

"I may have dozed off when I was going over a few contracts." she says in a rough tone, now that she's mentioned it, her eyes do look a bit drowsy, tired.

I know just the thing.

"Then would you like some coffee?" she snickers.

"Coffee? When we'll be sleeping in a few hours" you fool.

"Right um, how stupid of me" her lipsl broke into a grin and that little action made my stomach do a few turns.

"Then how about dinner? My dad cooked more than enough for me, and maybe you could have tea." she nods.

"Please, and thank you." I beam and shake my head, quickly shutting off the movie.

"No need, I'll just go heat it up and you can just wait in the kitchen." I popped the tray immediately into the oven as she hums her answer and turns to walk, she didn't stop at the dinner table though. She made her way to the cupboards then started taking out some plates, glasses and utensils.

It's weird that she already knows where everything is, it's like we're living together.

The thought made me blush a little bit, just a little.

I wasn't able to indulge myself too much when the oven dings. Grabbing some oven mits, I carefully take the tray out and slowly maneuvered my way to the table, and setting it down gently.

"That looks and smells delicious" she comments, watching a few cheese bubbles pop and getting a whiff of its mouth watering smell.

"Thanks, my dad's a great cook. It's one of the things mom loved about him." taking the mits off my hands.

"Loved?" I paused, eyes staring off into space a bit. She sees this and quickly says an apology, mumbling that she might have overstepped her boundaries.

"It's fine um, yeah. My mom's been gone for awhile now." she looks at me, eyes softening a bit.

"Oh well um, she sounds like she has great taste in uh men" I let out a laugh, hunching over and clutching my stomach when it started to hurt. What a weird think to say. I hear her laugh a little as well, but I was too busy wiping the tears on the corners of my eyes.

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