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"Wanna test your limits?" she asks, eyes twinkling with excitement, however I grew confused.

"My limits?" she nods, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"Yes, your pain tolerance." my face grimace at the thought.

"Why would I subject myself to that kind of treatment?" scoffing a bit, while her hand continues to a lower path, tracing down the side of my neck.

"There's a fine line between pain" she pauses, gazing at me intensely as her hands never stop till they reach the little dip on my hip "and pleasure." I took a breath, to which I guess she finds amusing. Her arms gently engulfs me, in a slow embrace, bringing our bodies closer to the point that I'm sitting up and towering over her.

"Once we get to that line, I can assure you..." I felt a warm hand on my nape, caressing it "it'll leave your throat dry.." her fingers threading through my hair and tugs it suddenly, exposing my neck which she nuzzles into "and maybe your thighs wet" she whispers against my skin as I unknowingly buck my hips at those last words.

"Shall we?" I was already breathless at this point, what more if we'd continue?

"U-um I'm not sure" she hums and places a kiss on the dip of my collarbone as goosebumps rise from my skin.

"It's your decision darling, don't be scared. I won't force you" she whispers, now gently scratching my scalp while she pulls away from my neck to look at me. I suddenly shied away and looked down, playing with the fabric of her shirt.

"Maybe just a little" I quietly mumbled out, a finger was tucked under my chin and lifts me head up, upon seeing her soft yet smoldering gaze I felt comfort.

"You are just adorable" she chuckles and places a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Tell me if you're uncomfortable or if it's too much, okay?" I nod, gulping nervously. Her hands drops down to my hips, then upwards, slipping inside my shirt to start tracing my heated skin. Her lips once again are placed on my neck, placing fluttering kisses all over.
"Relax baby" breathing out shakily, I nod as one hand trails down my spine then over my bum.

The whole time, we were just looking into each other's eyes then a sudden blow landed on my ass, pushing me a bit forward. My eyes were wide as I let out a gasp, fisting her shirt in my hand.

"Are you okay?" the slight sting spreads throughout my body quiet quickly.

"Yeah" she hums, rubbing the area she slapped gently.

"Do you want me to continue?" I wordlessly nod again. "I'll go harder this time, alright?" biting my lip, I quietly answered a yes. Then another hand descends and this time, I let out a yelp, my hands now gripping her shoulders tight.

"Okay?" she asks as my head drops, I look at her through my lashes. "Talk to me, princess" I whimper at the name and tuck my head under her chin, she didn't waste time and wrapped her arm around me while the other soothes the slight stinging of my bum.

"I understand if you don't like this sort of thing, but can you please say something?" her fingers threads through my hair then lightly scratches my scalp and I...could feel myself practically melt.

"I feel um weird..." a brief silence washes over us.

"Okay, weird how?" she breathes out eventually. I scrunch my nose, figuring out what exact words to describe it.

"Like it hurts but at the same time um there's a...tingling feeling after" she hums and gently pats my bum, I look up at her.

"Is that normal?" she chuckles.

"Answer me this, did you like it?" I immediately flush, ducking down again.

"It's...not bad" mindlessly playing with the fabric of her shirt, her hold on me tightens as I feel her breath beside my ear.

"That's because I was holding back" her hand dips to the small of my back, tracing a lone finger just along the swell of my ass "I can do it harder..
I can do worse, I..." the finger slips lower, tracing the midline of my ass before I feel nothing else, the sudden lack of touch makes my eyes shoot up only to find her looking down at me with such hunger "...can make it hurt"

A forceful slap lands on my ass, this time ripping out a mixture of a yelp of pain and a...more erotic sound. Fuck I can feel my skin burning up, her hand however decides to stay and grip the heating flesh.

"I take it that you liked that?" she mocks though I said nothing, too stunned to retaliate anything back.

My body's definitely getting weirder by the second.

Gently pushing myself back to create some space between us, I sat with my my knees close together but she was having none of that and gripped both thighs to pull me back to her,causing them to open once again.

Talk about man-handle, I mean, woman-handle

"No no no, you're sitting right there until we're finished. Did I do something that wasn't to your liking?" her hands clasp behind me, locking me in place.

"It's not that it's just um..." her hand gently rubbing my thigh was a helping "I'm kinda sorta..."mumbling out the rest, too embarrassed.


"I'm..." at this point I'm speaking gibberish cause what the fuck was I thinking??

"Speak to me like that again and I'm bending you over my knee" the threat stumped me...also not helping.

"I'm...turned on, okay!" I manage to speak out, once again silence washes over us, her hands ceased moving and I don't meet her eyes, who could after saying something like that?

"Look at me" her voice void of any room for argument, and so I slowly looked up, peering at her hesitantly.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about" she offers a soft smile, her hand slips behind me and pulls me towards her till my chest is flushed against hers.
"If anything, I'm relieved" she chuckles, now running her hand up and down my back.

"You are?" she nods, patting my head.

"Yeah...and also curious as to what else can I do to turn you on." she smirks.

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I'm back~

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