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Hearing the door of the shower click close and the running shower water, I head back to the sink, turning my attention towards the things placed on it. It's pretty clean, just observing that she likes certain things while humming a reoccurring song in my head, one that stood out was a cup in a shape of a kitten; others would be the essentials, toothbrush, some lip balm, etc.

She's also got a little growing orchid, cute, the soil looks dry though, guessing she forgot to water it. Filling the cup with water, I slowly pour it on its soil bit by bit, observing how it slowly absorbs it, before deeming it satisfied.

Hearing the twist of the faucet, I fill the cup again with water, grabbing her toothbrush and placing a good amount of toothpaste on it. I wait for her to join me.

"I didn't know you could sing" I hear from behind me, turning around my eyes immediately falls to her towel. Particularly on the drop of water making its way down her chest, blinking away from temptation, I meet her eyes.

"Well I never did sing in front of you" I knew I got caught by how her hand clutches the bunched and tucked portion of the towel closer.

"also, I was just humming. I could still possibly sing very bad despite that." chuckling, I grab her cup and toothbrush, and gave them to her.

"I highly doubt that, and thanks." taking them from my hands, and starts brushing her teeth. Smiling, I rest against the sink, looking at her through the mirror.

She tried to ignore it, but I guess I was staring too hard as she turns to me, eyebrows lowered, nose scrunched, mumbling gibberish making me laugh a bit.

"I have no idea what you're saying." she rolls her eyes and tries again, all it does is draw my eyes to how pink her lips are amidst all the foam. She groans and pushes my shoulder till I once again, face the door.

"Who knew I'd have you foaming at the mouth for me." I snicker, receiving a slap on the arm.

"Ow! Why is it every time I try to help, all I get is physical abuse. I trust that you can take it from here, I'm going back to the room."

"Hm!!" feeling a hand tug me hard backwards, I scoff and hear her spit.

"Don't leave, you said you'd accompany me." sighing, I cross my arms and lean against the door.

"Finish up" while waiting, I could hear the pitter-patter of rain against thw roof, thankfully it's only drizzling now, relaxing me a little bit as I close my eyes. Warmth spreaded around me, looking down to see a pair of arms circulating my waist.

"I'm sorry, I know I can be a little irritating" her chest pushes against my back, reminding me of how little she's got on.

"Little?" I question, her hands reaches up to grab mine, uncrossing my arms.

"Okay, I can be really irritating." I snicker and turn towards her, staring down at her doe-like eyes. She swings our arms, taking my attention fully.

"Are you mad?"

"And what if I am?" I tease, feeling her grip on my hands tighten, she looks away, thinking.

"How can I be forgiven?" she asks softly while I slowly walk towards her, smirking when she takes a few steps backwards till she notices she's trapped by the sink.

"I only want one thing." her eyes wide as she clutches her towel hard, leaning down till our faces are a few inches away, her breathing was labored, her eyes flutters shut as I close the gap and reach something behind her.

"I've been intrigued by this, so thanks." one eye opens, then the other blinking, confused before focusing on the item at hand.

"Lip balm?" she stares at it.

"Yeah, never tried this flavor." she scoffs and pushes past me.

I smile and wash my face, using her facial items, taking my time before entering the bed room, only to find her closet doors open. Her closet conveniently was adjacent to her bed, sitting comfortably on it, I see her in a pair of short-shorts and a sports bra. She seems to be searching for a specific shirt, till she feels my eyes on her.

"Do you always stare at people like this, perv?" grabbing a random shirt instead, hastily putting it on.

"If you ask me, I think you're a little overdressed" she rolls her eyes again, going over to the bed, evading my sitting form and sits the furthest away.

"Good thing I didn't." smiling, I sit beside her, of course she ignores me and grabs her phone, scrolling.

"What are you looking for?" I peek a bit and see different colors of lip balms. She side eyes me and continues to scroll through the reviews.

"Since you wanted my last one, I'm buying a new one."

"Oh I actually don't want it" confused she looks at me and asked why.

"I just wanted to try it" I gesture for her to come closer, once she's close enough I gently grasp her chin and tilt it up, softly applying the balm on her rosy lips.

"Then why are you putting it on me?" she asks breathlessly, her eyes alternating between mine and my lips. Her breath hitches once I close the gap, kissing her lips softly, trapping her bottom lip between mine. I feel her tug my shirt collar forward making me smile, letting go of her chin, I then maneuver her over to sit on my lap, interrupting our kiss for a second.

And in those few seconds, I saw her red stained cheeks, her eyes fluttering as well as her labored breathing. She was about to lean in for more but I stopped her, eyes showing confusion but when she sees me getting the lip balm again she relaxes. Only this time, I'm applying it on my lips.

"It tastes pretty good on its own but.." her eyes solely focused on my lips, making me smirk.

"It'll taste better if it's like this, want to try?"


"Then come closer, darling." her eyes flickering once I gave the order, bringing me a certain satisfaction. I let her take the lead this time and rest my hands on the mattress, her hand previously on my shirt now slithers its way inside it, grazing on my collarbone, neck and finally threading those delicate fingers through my hair.

Humming softly, a warm tongue licks over my lips followed by a soft moan. That little noise almost made me lose it, groaning roughly and flipping us over, she lets out a gasp. Taking her hands in mine I press them beside her head as my lips devour hers.

That naughty tongue of hers will be the death of me.

As it once again, licks over my lips before trapping it between her teeth to tug it seductively, her hands wanting to be somewhere were already pinned above her head. Her eyes opened hazily, as she tries to move them only to be stopped by my hand.

"I'm not done tasting yet" she looks up at me, eyes bright with anticipation, licking her lips yet again.

"The lip balm? " I shake my head, leaning down to whisper in her ear

"I found something..." her breath hitches as I nibble on her earlobe, licking it after "tastier" purposely lowering my voice.

~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~

Smut or tease? You will never know...

Till next time ;)

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