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"Then I guess I won't hold back" right as she says those words did my world flipped, literally. She licks her lips while her eyes devour me, hands caressing my every skin as I unnoticeably held my breath.

She smirks and rests both my legs on her shoulders, she then tilts her head kissing down my ankles, busying her hands by exploring my body.

"Touch me" I ask in a whisper, her eyes held mine again, her body lowers just as her tongue shows itself again to lick from the back of my knee to my inner thighs, dangerously close to my center.

"Impatient" she bites near my quivering lips, just then my thighs are being pushed outwards and I'm sure I was gushing right now.

"Only when I deem that you are ready" her hands presses on my inner thighs, then begins to push outwards, exposing me even more.

"Got it?" I nod, bad choice.

I feel a hand come in contact with my center, drawing out an erotic sound out of me. Feeling a little splatter while my lower lips starts to throb, I whine and tried shielding it with my hands.

"Put them away and answer me properly."

"Y-yes ma'am" she chuckles, just as I move my hands away. Just then her lips hovers over my cunt, her breath tickling my awaiting skin.

"Ma'am?" my mind foggy from all the stimulations, she pulls me closer to her, lips just a few centimeters away from where I want them most.

"Then what?" trying to sneakily lift myself up to her lips, only for her to pull away and pin them down, her only answer was a sadistic look. I hiss and lay still, opening my legs wider and look down at her pleadingly.

"I'm sorry, mommy" that struck a nerve as I feel her nails dig in my hips, the painfully delicious feeling rushes through me like a drug, while my ache for her grows.

"I just want you" I whimper out, shivering when her breath caresses my center. "I need you down there."

"And you will" a soft kiss was placed on the line of my pelvis, making me grip the sheets to stop myself from making a move. "soon enough."

Blinking the frustration away, I held my breath when I felt her finger finally slip between my lips, the sensation almost driving me off the edge.

"Trust me?" she pauses, and as I look down at her finger that's snuggly embedded between my pussy, I crumble.

"Yes, of course" her finger moves back, then curls a bit in, easing the fingertip inside me and I couldn't help but moan a breathy "mommy."
Then she slips her whole finger slowly, letting me get used to the feeling until it was knuckle deep.

"You feel so good around me, baby" she hums, then moves her finger in a come here motion and my legs couldn't help but close in on her, noticing this she pushes one leg down.

My hips buck, signaling for her to continue, she smiles and shakes her head. Her finger picks up the pace a bit, thrusting in and out of me.

I shouldn't have done that.

I could feel knots in my stomach as my breathing got ragged, my knuckles turning white as a faint sound could be heard beneath me.

"Wa-wait! Fuck- I'm already!" my hand flew to my mouth as I muffle my screams, torso contorting and fidgeting around as I cum against her moving fingers, my hips shamelessly grinding in circles as I rode off my high.

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