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"Please mommy?" pleading, all the while running my fingertips on her waist, often pulling and playing with the hem of her pants. She's close to giving in, she will.

"W-wait" i smirk, lowering my head down her chest to place tiny kisses along her collarbone up to her neck.

"I've made mommy stutter" giggling, I look up only to find her blushing while looking down on me. I coo and let up, wrapping my arms around her neck, admiring her.

"Cute" I add, which made her even redder. God, she's adorable.

"I've been...caught off guard." is her excuse, I smile and eye her down.

"So can I?" her eyes focuses on me, almost staring off into space.

"Um, let's eat first yeah?" I laugh, now wrapping my legs around her waist.

"Oh so now you want to eat?" she sighs and lays her head on my shoulder.

"It's just um" my hand traces a line along her back, while the other pats gently on her side. I don't say a word and just wait, humming to let her know I'm listening.

"I need to compose myself" slowly, I pull back to look at her.

"Compose?" she nods, releasing a loud sigh.

"You look so irresistible right now, it's driving me crazy." i chuckle and nuzzle my head on her neck. "And if you want to take the lead, then I need to calm down first or else I'll take you right this second." that last part make my spine tingle a bit, part of me wants that but the other really wants a taste.

"Is that so?" she hums, and when I slowly trace my hands down her arms, her's were clenched into fists. "fine" pecking her cheek softly "now get off me." i add teasingly.

"Mh-hm" her warm hands slids under my knees and lift me up, walking us over back to the table and sits us down.

"Tsk and how am I supposed to eat like this?" she smiles and leans over to grab my plate, putting it beside hers. She then proceeds to cut my portion into bite sized pieces before lifting one up my mouth.

"Like this" I scoff, staring at her in disbelief. She looks at me, gesturing for me to take a bite. Huffing bashfully, I take a bite, only for the yolk to run down the corner of my mouth.

Her thumb wipes the residue off and proceeds to lick it, now I see her cut her portion only in half, grabs it with her hand and goes to eat it, but I quickly stop her.

"What-" i shush her and she looks at me wide eyed.

"Did you ju-"

"Eat" I lift the food against her lips as well, she scoffs but takes a bite anyway, chewing while never taking her eyes off mine.

"The sooner we finish these, the sooner I get to have you" as soon as I said that, she started coughing. In a panic, I scramble off her lap and grab a glass of water, quickly giving it to her, to which she gulped half of it down.

"I-i didn't expect that from you" she laughs once she finishes drinking.

"Can you blame me?" sighing, I return to my seat that is her lap, tucking her hair behind her ear then lean close.

"I'm slowly getting impatient." she pats my bum and smiles.

"You'll have me" picking up my fork again to feed me "I promise." after feeding me, she takes a bite of hers, she does this until we both eventually finish our food. I tried feeding her as well cause what the fuck was I supposed to do? She declines every time, saying she likes watching me chew like a chipmunk.

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