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I let out a tired laugh, still catching my breath and basking on the afterglow of our...activities. Neither of us said anything for a few minutes, till we finally caught our breath.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" she asks, her hand instinctively rubs my ass gently, bringing another rush of blood to my cheeks.

"No, I mean, there's a slight sting but it's manageable." she hums, and starts to get up, lifting my body with her before she strides upstairs. My legs immediately wraps around her frame as well as my arms.

"I'll draw you a bath then" I look at her confused "what? Don't you wanna clean yourself up? Change into new clothes?"

"I do it's just..." she smirks and stops when we reach my room.

"Did you want me in there with you?"

"No I um-"

"Then, you want me to bathe you?" her smiles, clearly enjoying this torment..

"No! I can do that-" she laughs and nods, opening the door and places me in front of my closet.

"Shall I pick what clothes to wear then?" I started to fan myself with all these notions, the thought of her seeing my frilly underwear springs to mind and I quickly decline again.

"Still no? Hm...then" she starts closing our distance even more, a familiar warmth enveloping my waist as she pulls my body flushed against hers. Her face leaning beside my ear, grazing her lips against them.

"How about I take your clothes off?"

My eyes fluttered closed, as I suppress a moan from slipping out. Goosebumps rising on my skin as my heart skips a beat.

"Um...I-" she chuckles and kisses my cheek.

"I'm only kidding. " she lets me go slowly "I'll be here when you're done." she turns and heads to my bookshelf, but I grab hold of the hem of her shirt before she could walk off.

"Will you let me finish one damn sentence?" she pauses and stares at me, probably in shock at the way I said it but what the hell.

"Alright" she grins and grabs my wrist, gently prying my fingers off her shirt and interlaces our fingers together. "What is it that you want, princess?"

"Um I actually just want you there with me" my hand is probably gonna get clammy any second at how nervous I feel.

"So the first thing I suggested?" her thumb brushes the back of my hand, easing my mind a little.

"Well not exactly, but if you could just be there outside the tub and wait till I'm done?" I look up at her hopefully.

"Whatever you need" she smiles, leading us to the bathroom and slowly lets go of my hand to start the bath. Can't say I'm disappointed at the loss of contact.

When did I become such a needy bitch?

As we walked inside, another dilemma rises. The shower glass is fucking clear, not to mention the big mirror in front of the sink.

"Um could you just turn around? And maybe just look at the door?"

"Afraid I'll take a peek?" her gaze, lowers and I could almost feel her touch once again.

"Maybe" I mumble looking away, hopefully to cover up her affect on me.

"I must say, I really want to have a clear picture of what I touched earlier." she says cornering me between her and the sink. My eyes shakily staring at hers, unsure of what to say.

"It's so funny.." she takes my hand and lifts it up her lips. "you were such a flirt in our texts yet..." soft lips were all I could felt as she places them at the back of my hand "you could barely say a word now that I'm in front of you."

I huff out a breath, grabbing the hand that was holding mine and tug it towards me. The action bring our bodies together, chest to chest, eyes both wide at my action, lips just a breath away.

"Didn't you say you prefer actions?" I whisper, slowly taking her bottom lip between mine, humming softly at the taste of her. My arms taking place around her neck while I feel the warmth of her hands on my waist as I kiss her sweetly.

I'm kissing her again, somehow I can't resist her, seems like I can't get enough.

I let out a gasp, feeling her nails dig in a bit on my skin, creating a new feeling. Her hand wanders south, tugging the hem of my shirt and I slowly pull back just enough to let her lift it off me. My breathing is unstable as I feel the coldness, raising the hairs on my arms but that soon went away as her hands playfully tug the garter of my pants, stretching them out before letting it go with a snap, yet again earning a gasp out of me.

"Shall I continue?" truthfully, I didn't know what I wanted, my head was hazy from all her touches. And I guess she sees it through my eyes, she simply smiled and kissed my forehead.

"You seem unsure, so I'll leave you the rest." she spins me around gently and ushers me to the tinted door of the shower room. But not before whispering

"and I suggest a cold shower this time" her breath ghosts beside my ear "one of us needs to calm down."

~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~

A shortie, for the shawties ahaha~ (help me)

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