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Okay, I'm not proud of this but...I might've eavesdrop on their conversation, ear sticking to the door even. So when she pulled it open, I stumbled but thankfully, didn't fall and was able to balance myself quickly before she became suspicious.

"Hey, didn't see you there." I smiled and laughed a little, you know that unconvincing awkward laugh? Yeah, that.

"Sorry" she did a quick look over, then glanced back inside the room before smirking.

"It's no problem" I didn't know what that gesture meant but couldn't give a damn. I head inside to see Ms. Williams on her desk per usual.

"Um, I'm just here to drop off the payment. My dad was tired from work and thought he'd need some rest. Anyway, here." I handed her the envelope containing it and she calmly accepts before setting it inside in one of the table's drawers.

"Is that all you came here for?" shrugging it off, I nod.

"I think so, yeah." I'm pretty sure I didn't forget anything...or have I?

"I'm surprised, I thought you'd file a complaint." my mind clicked and thoughts about that night flooded my head.

"N-no, you've helped me calm down so I'll let it slide." my hands balled into a fist, cheeks probably flushed as embarrassment slowly fills me.

"Please, have a seat." as I sat down, I took a few calming breaths. Wouldn't wanna embarrass myself even more.

"I would like a review, an opinion per se on my company's services." I was baffled, my mind barely recovering but cleared my throat.

"Do you always ask this after every session?"

"No, only to the first timers." I nod "if they come back after that, I'd already know the answer." she grabs a file and opens it, with a pen ready on her hand.

"So? If you please, and don't hold back, honesty is always appreciated."

What the fuck am I supposed to say? That her hugs are nice? Her skin feels warm and pleasant against mine? That she's a great pillow replacement?

"I'm not quite sure what to say" i nervously tap my forefinger on my bag.

"Anything really, it doesn't have to be detailed. Just a general perspective." I suddenly met her gaze, before shifting back to my surroundings.

"Um it was pleasant, I thought it'd was awkward and tense at first. But then, you went out your way and cooked for me." I paused and looked at her curiously.

"Was that part of the contract? Do we have to pay extra?" it was only brief but I caught a glimpse of her smile. It was small, but at that brief moment, she was even more beautiful.

"No, it's alright. But it was part of the contract, after all we'd like to provide a sense of comfort and ease to our customers."

"But you called me princess, are endearments part of the contract?" I squint my eyes at her, but she furrows her eyebrows together, confused.

"I don't recall calling you that." I was flabbergasted, but remained calm.

"Oh, alright then" I brush it off, while she leans back and crosses her arms looking at me, studying me.

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