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I didn't know what I was doing, all I know is that her being so close ignited something in me. She was always meek and quick to shy away, not to mention the occasional stuttering. Tonight she was different however, well not completely.

I was actually impressed with her persistence earlier in the kitchen, and now again when she doesn't flinch from my advances. That was until her eyes fluttered shut, hiding away her lovely coffee colored orbs from me.

I glanced down her body, noticing the rapid rising and falling of her chest, her hands clenched into a fist below us. So, I decided that it was enough. I turned my neck slightly and reached for the remote, backing away slowly and settling down on my seat.

After a few seconds, she opens her eyes looking at me, noticing my comfort, then down on her lap. Her body leaning back against the couch. It was quiet, nothing but the pitter patter of rain against the roof and windows.

"Should we start the movie over? You weren't exactly watching awhile ago." she doesn't meet my eyes but she nods at the question. So I rewind it and pressed play then glanced at her discreetly.

Was I too much?

I looked at our mugs, the steam no longer evident so I picked up hers, handing it to her. She quietly accepted it, bringing it to her lips though I couldn't see much when her hair drapes over her face.

I looked back at the screen, watching it for the most part. Taking sips from my cup, eventually finishing it and stealing quick looks at the girl beside me, her head was low but I could tell she was watching.

What surprised me was the sudden slamming of her cup on the table, eyes holding a bit of fury in them. I looked at the scene before us and it was both women encapsulated in each other's arms, both seemingly wanting one of them just to make a  move. And when one did, the other simply said no then pulled away.

"Easy there" her eyes snaps at me, then shakes her head.

"You can finish the movie, I'm feeling unwell so I'll head up." she took long strides and in no time reached her room. I hear the door shut close and I'm left there with confusion with a bit of guilt.

This seems to be a common occurrence when I'm with her.

"Idiot" I say more to myself then shut off the television and grabbed our mugs, placing it in the sink. Locking up the place and turning off the lights before heading to her room. As I enter, her voice stops me from my tracks.

"You can sleep in the guest room, I wouldn't want you to force yourself further by being with me." her tone had a bite to it, blinking away the sudden change in attitude.

"Alright, good night." receiving no reply, I head out and closed her door along the way. Going inside the other room and sitting down on the foot of the bed. I sigh and start taking off my shoes and socks, going to the bathroom to wash my face, gratefully seeing a new spare toothbrush and toothpaste, using it.

A flash of light graces the room as I looked towards the window and noticed that it started to rain hard. We all know what comes after that light, a cracking in the heavens could be heard, loud but not enough to startle me.

Suddenly, Ms. Carter's words rang inside my head. I quickly finish up and walked briskly back to her room, slowly opening the door, calling out her name gently. As I opened it further, I didn't see her on her bed making my eyebrows furrow.

I could've sworn I heard her voice.

"Caterina?" my eyes were quick to adjust to the darkness, scanning all over and finally landing on a figure curled over into the corner, shaking. I went over to her and crouched down.

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