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"Dad, did you bring din- what are you doing here?" the girl scoffed at my reaction.

"Rude, is that how you greet your best friend that was so worried about you, that she'd go through all that icky rain and mud?" she rolled her eyes, and immediately went in my house.

"Huh, I didn't notice the rain but what the heck you could've texted me that you were coming over, E." she simply plopped down on the living room couch and smiled.

"Where's the fun in that also, aren't you cold?" I sighed and shook my head no, then sat myself across from her with my legs crossed over one another, over a pillow. She eventually went over and sat beside me, then turned my body so that it was facing her, to which I laughed at.

"So, how are things?" she asks first, I can't even put to words what I felt, what I was feeling.

"Let's see um..." i paused for awhile and rested my head on the palm of my hand. Estasia, the oh so patient one, leaned forward seeming to be waiting for the next words to come out of my mouth. I then slowly put a finger on her forehead and pushed her away lightly.

"Girl, some space yeah?" she rolls her eyes and slaps my leg.

"Well, it looked like you're taking decades to formulate a few words, bitch you need help?" I scoffed and looked away.

"O-oh my god, you do! Say it with me Cat, MA MA" I laugh and pushed her fully, but I guess the force wasn't enough as she just moved a few inches.

Weak ass bitch

"Shut up, I'm getting to it."

"Well get to it faster!"

"Alright geez, well I guess I'm fine." I looked down and played with my hands, she scoffed and placed her hands on top of them, stopping them from moving.

"Hey, it's okay to not be okay" I look into her eyes and took a deep breath. "You may not be okay today, tomorrow or the day after that but trust me" she grasps both of my hands on her own, and looked at me "you will be someday, okay?" I let go of her hands and hugged her.

"Okay, I don't know what I'd do without you." she patted my back and cooed.

"I know I know, you're one lucky bitch." I giggled not bothering to deny, I know it's the truth.

Our little moment got interrupted by the ringing of the door bell. I pulled away and went to go get it, while Estasia waved shooing me away with her hand while her eyes were on her phone.

"That must be dad." I fixed my towel as I reach for the door handle and opened it, I was busy that I didn't notice the person at the door. I looked up wondering why they were so quiet but froze as my eyes met those beautiful ocean blue.

"Ms. Kingsley?" I snapped out of it, now super conscious of my semi-naked state.

"Wha- I um, I huh?" she reaised her perfectly shaped brow at my fumblings, the wind blew making a shiver run throughout my body. She walks towards me slowly, making me take a few steps back, paralized by her stare, her eyes never leaving mine.

"You should put some clothes on." she says and looks over my shoulder to see E walking towards us.

"Ooh la la~ my dear Catie sure knows how to pick em" she smirks and held out her hand. "Estasia, and you are?" with a stoic face she looked at me, then at E with an unreadable expression but eventually shook her hand.

"Amber" Estasia grinned "So Amber, how long have you been Cat's girlfriend?"

"Wha- sh-she's not" I dumbly tried to defend, while the girl in question just calmly say

"I'm merely here to accompany miss Kingsley for the night." making E's jaw drop and turn to me so quick, it might have caused her to whiplash.

"Damn C, okay I'll leave you to it." she quickly walked back to the couch and grabbed her purse, then back to us looking at Amber.

"Please be gentle with my bestie, she's a pure one." now, making my jaw drop. She then went over to my frozen figure hugging me and whispering

"She's hot, fuck her brains out and then make her yours." she pulls away "Got it? Good, have fun." she winks and walked out the door, leaving me with my scatter brain and her, still staring at me till she comments

"So, you sleep nude huh."

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Amazing what procrastination can do

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