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"Ngh!" I whimper, helplessly pinned against my own bed while her tongue laps around the base of my neck. Her other hand holding my waist but soon slithers around till they land on my ass, taking a muffled moan out of me.

"What did I say about holding back?" her head lifts from my skin, warm breath grazing it.

"T-to mmph!" feeling teeth sink in my skin, followed by a warm tongue licking over it, I try to steady my breathing, keyword try.

"To not to." her hand trails up, lifting my shirt a bit to touch my curves. Her hand scorching a trail against my cool skin, stopping just below the underside of my bra.

"Good" she breathes out, after grazing her nail from the middle abdomen downward, my back arching unconsciously. "If only you'll always keep that in mind."

I stare at her, almost longingly, my stomach in knots at what she's doing to my body. Her gaze meets mine and her grip falters, letting go of my arms and maneuvers us to lay properly on the bed. Just when I thought I could finally touch her, she stops me.

"Keep them there" her voice devoid of argument, and I comply, raising them over my head again as I wait for her orders. She kneels and grabs my legs, pulling me to her leaving me gasping, my core responding immediately though it hasn't even been touched.

She smirks, at my reaction, our position or the fact that she has access intimate parts.

"Although you look adorable in your kitten shirt" she chuckles, tugging the fabric gently "it's getting in my way, can I remove it?" I nod, swallowing hard as well as licking my lips in anticipation.

Her smile fades and lets go of my shirt, feeling it creep towards the back of my thighs that are now propped up on her sides.

"That's strike two." her hand lands a stinging blow, and I let out a sound that can only be described as between a moan and a gasp. "Try again, can I remove this shirt?"

"Yes, yes please" she hums, grabbing hold of it and lifts it up and off of me. I completely blanked out on what undergarments I had on but guessing from how she bites her lip, it's probably decent.

"Were you expecting this, darling?" she says, staring adoringly at it. My face warms up almost instantly as I couldn't help but peer down, thankfully I had on a non lace yet equally sexy black push up bra.

"Um no" licking her lips, she runs her fingertips across it, my core tingling a bit when I feel them on my nipples, slipping behind me and playfully tugs the clasps before letting it slap against my back. Another moan. To which she smirks, as my legs enclose around her.

Leaning down, she lowers my shorts a bit then places her lips on my hip bones, I whimper, hips bucking in response, feeling a bit uncomfortable with them on. Her lips don't stop however, then continue upwards, soft, fluttering and often teasing kisses are left along the way.

Thinking they'd stop again midway, I sigh in content, only for it to be caught in my throat when they proceeded between my breasts to my collarbone then my neck. She pulls away again and I squirm, looking up at her, pleading her silently to kiss me.

"What is it?" swallowing pathetically to help my drying throat.

"Kiss me" my sight lingers on her lips, watching them curl into a smirk.

She's so fucking sexy, I could just-

"Kiss me" I ask earnestly, my hands tense as I appeal to her. "Please"
She smiles, leaning forward and lands her soft lips against mine, I groan shamelessly as I tilt hy head to kiss her better, her tongue licks my bottom lip.

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