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"Shall I have you for dinner?" she hotly says against my skin, her hands busy roaming painstakingly slow, almost as if she's tracing every inch and curve of my body.

"fuck ye-" my stomach growls suddenly, bringing heat to my cheeks, my neck vibrating as she rests her forehead against it, laughing lightly.

"That's a no then" she pulls away, now resting her arms around my waist.

"I-I'm sorry" not knowing what else to say, I look down, the embarrassment swallowing my body whole as I clutch her shirt. I felt soft lips on my forehead however, as well as a light tapping on my bum.

"Don't be, it's no problem" I took a peek at her beneath my lashes, only to find her face plastered with a teasing smirk. Groaning, I bury my face under her chin. She kisses the side of my face, near my ear. "Let's get some food in you, princess."

"Could you grab the pastry bag?" looking to the side, I grab it and then handed it to her, she shakes her head. She suddenly stands up, making me hold onto her for dear life as well as a surprised yelp from me.

"My hands are already full." she smirks when I felt them gripping my ass. I slapped her chest as I glare at her.

"Asshole" I feel a smack on my ass, making me squeak.

"Say that again?" my lips form into line as I stare at her defiantly.

"Assho- ow!" one arm grips tighter as I try to ease the sting a little by rubbing  my ass, only for it to be placed back on her shoulder.

"You hold on tight baby, don't want you falling off, now..." her hand smoothes down the curve of the previous ass she just struck "wanna repeat what you said?" she squeezes it harder, bringing out a whimper from me.

"And just to warn you, I'll go harder next time." my mind goes through a series of ideas and options, on one hand I get to prove to her that I can take the pain, and on the other, I don't want pain. But then I get to insult her right at her face...but...the pain...fuck.

"Cat got your tongue?" she smirks as she starts walking out the door then downstairs. I took a slow, deep breath then looked into her eyes, unwavering, my voice firm.

"Asshole" unexpectedly, she lets out a laugh...but one that sends a chill down my spine, and once we reached the kitchen she places me right on top of the counter, her arms remained on my sides, trapping me. Shit.

"That's my girl" being taller than me, she lowers her head leveling it with mine. Her eyes piercing as she tilts her head while one hand grazes my leg down, leaving goosebumps.

"Breath out" I didn't even know I was holding my breath, but I obeyed, and only then did I hear a thundering slap, followed by a burning pain on my thigh.

"Fuck!" my eyes blazes with anger and quickly shoves her other arm off, getting down then walking towards the couch, hand cradling the stinging flesh. From the corner of my eye, I see her walk towards me nonchalantly.

"I did warn you." This. Bitch.

Rolling my eyes, I continue to not say a word and grabbed the remote, I can't stand the silence with her. She sighs and plops down beside me, phone in hand.

"So what are we watching?" no answer, but I did put on a random episode of FRIENDS. I've watched this show a thousand times, I probably memorized the script word per word. She hums and rests her arm lazily on the back of the couch, few minutes in she leans close, whispering

"Are you mad at me?" silence, she stares at me for a few seconds before scrolling through her phone. We were both quiet for awhile, both of us watching the screen till I hear the doorbell ring. She gets up to answer it then comes back with a bag of food, what it was? Don't fucking know, but what I do know is that it smells delicious. She sets it up in front of me, utensils and all then offers a small smile.

"Eat up, princess" from what I could see, it was carbonara. Fuck, I'm a sucker for pasta. No, don't give in easily. It's probably not even good, it's probably shit...a good looking kinda shit but shit nonetheless. No harm in trying right?

I grabbed a fork and start twirling some around it before bringing up to my lips and taking a bite. I stopped mid chew as I savor the sauce, the right consistency of the noodle, its creaminess and warmth. This is the shit! I let out a satisfied hum, I can't help it, and digged in.

"Glad you like it, this restaurant is famous for its various pasta recipes." I finally looked at her and she chuckles, bringing her hand to my face, wiping some sauce on the corner of my lips.

"Thank you" licking my bottom lip instinctively, I look away to grab a napkin, wiping in case there's any more. I noticed she isn't eating so I gestured towards the food but she shakes her head and said maybe later. I could feel her eyes on me while I eat but I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of affecting me, when I'm finished I grabbed a napkin and wiped my mouth. I see her get up to go somewhere, shrugging, I start cleaning up my mess and was about to throw it in the trash bin.

"I'll take that, you take this" she hands me a glass of white wine.

"Where'd you get this?" she smiles.

"Came with the food" she nonchalantly throws the trash away while I take a small sip, surprised at how good it goes with the pasta. I quickly downed the whole glass and went to place it on the sink when I felt hands on my waist.

"Am I forgiven?" I sigh and turned around to look at her eyes, then shake my head no.

"Oh come on~" she groans, rubbing little circles on my hips. "I'm sorry" she pleads, her eyes seeking forgiveness "that was my bad, I did it without knowing your limits."

"and?" she scoffs, lifting me up again and carrying me to the couch, where she sat with me on top of her.

"And for being a bitch about it after" I nod, patting her shoulder gently.

"Good girl" the surprised look on her face alome had me laughing, soon a smile appeared and before we knew it we were both laughing.

"Good girl huh?" she asks, her teasing smirk already back. I shrug and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"I've got an idea" oh no, by the timbre of her voice I can tell it's nothing but mischief.

"What?" my tone skeptical.

"Wanna test your limits?"

~* ~* ~* ~* ~

My my my ya'll are an impatient bunch, aren't you?

Merry Christmas and Happy holigays ❤️

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