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|Saria's POV|:

I was in my office with Cami, Ja'Nell, and Nayline when I decided to tell them what happened the past 2 days

"YOU WHAT?!" They said in union
"I kissed Tim and Grant" I'm so embarrassed, I really regret telling them

"Wait wait wait, it's only been about 2 days since the gala and I saw you with Grant yesterday at the coffee shop" Cami said
They all looked at each other as if everything started to click

"So that means you kissed Tim on Saturday..." Nayline started "And Grant on Sunday " Cami said with wide eyes

Ja'Nell gasped "Oh my gosh, our little Saria is a hoe" it was silent for a few second "WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU" they all exclaimed and hugged me

Confusion consumed me "Huh"
"Look at you, you haven't had a romantic relationship in years. Now you've kissed two guys in a matter of two days" Ja'Nell said proudly

"And don't you have a date with Tim on Friday?" Nayline asked raising her eyebrows up and down
I sighed "Yes I do"
"We're helping you get ready for the date" Ja'Nell said
"No no no, I can dress myself"
"Saria I bet you were planning on wearing a dress that was not body con" Nayline said

"Exactly, we'll be there"
"If these babies are still in here by Friday, I'll be there" Cami said and we all let out a laugh

"Ok but why does the dress have to be body con?" I asked
"Because you have an amazing body and in a dress like that you will bring him to his knees" Nayline said
I rolled my eyes

"Anyways  I'm going to the front to help out Vanessa, Rani, and the others. When Anton and Alexei come remind them to check the dates on the food and let me know so I know what to get when I go to the store that sells ingredients in bulk"

"Ok, can I come with you when you go?" Cami asked
"Go where?" Malcom said coming out of no where
"Malcom I have the right to go where I want"
"Not when you're 9 months pregnant"
"Well I'm going" she said, crossed hands, and huffed
"No you're not" Malcom said mimicking her

"Malcom just let her go, she could induce the babies with all the walking" I said
"Yea what Saria said" Cami butted in
"Alright but if you ask me for ice-cream in the middle of the night I'm not getting it for you" he said walking out my office

"Yea jokes on you I have 2 legs and can get my own ice cream" she said
Malcom popped his head back in "You said something?"
She quickly shook her head and Ja'Nell, Nayline, and I busted out laughing

After recovering from our laughter I went to the front and gave everyone at the register and the servers a break since it was a slow morning, I could handle it.

I bent down to find something on the lower shelves and I heard the bell ring to indicate someone came in
I quickly got up but banged my head

"Aye there's kids" I heard a deep voice say which caused me to fully get up and face the voice
It was Grant, Jabez, Tim, JJ, and Ryder
I wish a hole could just swallow me up right now. Can I get one day that I don't see them?

"I'm sorry" I said while awkwardly rubbing the back of my head and chuckling uncomfortably
The older guys looked at each other and let out a laugh
"You are so cute Saria" Tim said
"Very cute" Grant said quietly after
Which caused Ryder to look at them suspiciously
"Yea yea" I waved them off and brought them to one of the tables

"JJ what would you like" I said while taking out my note pad
"I want the apple pie cupcake that you always give grandpa and I"
"Anything for you handsome, would you like anything to drink?"
"I would li-" Tim started but the blank stare I gave him cut him off "Oh not me" he said, I gave him the 'no duh' look

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