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|Saria POV|:

As soon as I walked into the office I heard my desk phone ring and I eternally groan. When I finally reached the phone, it stopped ringing.
I shrugged, if it's urgent then they'll call back.

I continued on with my work for about hour.
I had to pee, when I got up I came face to face with a very very very angry Grant Reign. His face didn't show it but his eyes said everything. The way his light eyes turned into a very dark grey scared me.

My body was telling me run tf away, but my brain was thinking of the consequences I would get if I did run away. I was already demoted  today I don't need anymore problems.

In a blink of an eye he was right in front of me. All I saw was his chest, I had to back up to look at him.

"Saria  Atkins, do you want to lose your job" he said to me like I was slow
"I don't appreciate your tone with me sir, I have no clue what I did for you to be this angry with me" I said crossing my arms against my chest


"S-sir you didn't call me 10 times, t-the only call I had was the one I got when I-when I-when I walked into the office an hour ago, and no one called back" I managed to get out, this was giving me flashbacks of Andrew

"Go check the phone"
I walked to the office phone with Mr.Reign behind me while some people on the floor turned to see where the commotion was coming from

I was shaking so much that when I went to pick up the phone it dropped on the floor with the glass container that had complementary pens inside. And because luck was on my side the glass container fell and shattered everywhere and one big piece landing right in front of Mr. Reign's expensive shoes.

If looks could kill, I would definitely be 6ft under right now. I quickly tried to pick up the glass and ended up deeply cutting my left ring finger.

"Oh fuck me"

"How incompetent can you be that you drop the phone, make the glass container fall and shatter, then cut your finger. Is there something not working in that brain of yours" he said with pure disgust and tapped my forehead when I got up

Tears were threatening to fall out so I put my head down. If people weren't paying attention at before, they definitely were now.

To make it better Georgina came and looked at me in disgust just like she used to in high school

"You're fired"
"What?" I said quickly putting my head up at the sound of those words, my ears must be deceiving me

"You. Are. Fired" he said slowly like I couldn't comprehend

"Mr. Reign I- I- please don't do this to me"
"Pack your shit and get out my building"

I counted to five to stop the tears from falling and walked to my desk and grabbed my things just like I did this morning.

First I was demoted and now I was fired.

I was in so much pain with my finger, my throat, and I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Poor girl"
"That's so embarrassing"
"He's such an asshole"
"She didn't deserve that"
"Couldn't be me"
"I would kill for her body"
"Wow I never noticed her, look at her ass it's so fa- "

I wanted to turn around and look at the person who said the last statement in disgust.
But that is what I heard people whispering as I walked by and Mr. Reign was in front of the elevator to make sure I left his building and right next to him was Georgina

I was about to step into the elevator with my head down and finger in pain.

I don't know where the boost of self esteem came from but I turned around, raised my hand and slapped Grant Reign

"Fuck you asshole, you never deserved the dedication and effort I put into this job" "and you"  I said as I turned to Georgina "I hope giving him some sloppy head was worth it for a job that you're not even qualified for "

I clicked the first floor and all I saw was both of their shocked faces and before it closed I said one last thing "I wish nothing but the best" and smiled while waving

The door closed and oh God that felt good. But I'm now jobless and in pain.

If I didn't put some of the money from my fosters parents will, into my savings I would be in a problem. Most of the money I used to pay off my student loans. The rest is for necessities and my savings.

I walk out outside to my car and it started raining as I was reaching my car and poof, my silk pressed hair goes right back to its natural state, I enternally groan.

I drive to the ER to get my finger checked out, and apparently I needed stitches. So I got the stitches and went back home with the medicine and ointment they prescribed me.

I drop all my things on the floor of my house. And drop myself on the couch.
Yes I'm soaking wet
Yes my finger hurts
And yes, I'm very much jobless

Cue the tear is 3, 2, 1-
I put my face in the palm of my hands and cried. I cried my eyes out, I cried my soul out. I cried for so long that when I looked at the clock it was now 8 pm.

I dragged myself to the bathroom and started a bath and brought a bottle of wine and a glass, I put the bubbles inside and soaked in the hot water.

I poured myself some wine and relaxed for the first time in 3 years. I've had a weight on my shoulder, trauma. Trauma is the reason of my ongoing fight with myself. I've been through hell, pure hell.. in this thing called life.

From being put up for adoption and thrown into the foster care system. To finally getting the best foster parents to exist and then them dying. To moving in with that man and being raped at a young age. To finally being happy with Andrew until he started being abusive and doing awful things to me and then disappearing. To getting a good job to pay off my student loans also with the help of the money left in the will by my foster parents. To losing all my self confidence and self esteem and it coming back slowly but surly. To getting to my last year of graduate school, so close to the end, but then loosing my job.

No job, no family, no friends. Nothing to look forward to.

I've been going through this dark tunnel, and every time I get close to the light at the end, I'm flung back to the start of the tunnel.

Not this time, I'm going to make it to the light and stay there forever.

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