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|Saria's POV|:

6 months later

After my date with Jonathan that Friday, we were inseparable. Everyday I closed the shop he would take me somewhere spontaneous and I loved it. He was so sweet and charming, there was no way I couldn't like him. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I obviously said yes.

He made me feel things that I haven't felt since my first year with Andrew. Jonathan was an architect and took me to some of the buildings that he designed in the city. He made me feel so good about myself, I really really like him.

Ja'Nell, Nayline, and Cami didn't approve of him at first because they wanted me to be with Grant. But Grant and I are best friends, we talk almost everyday. Jabez and Malcom's son Aiden come to the shop Friday after school and I teach them how to make different types of pastries.

Cami wasn't on maternity leave anymore but she had a lot of vacation days that she never used. So I told her to use them and spend as much time as she needed with her baby girls. India and Milan are getting so big. Aiden loved being a big brother and is so gentle with them.

Anyways, it was Friday and I was waiting for Grant to drop off Jabez and Aiden (since they carpool) when Jonathan came in. See the thing is....Grant has never met Jonathan but isn't very fond of him.

"Hey mi amor" Jonathan said giving me a kiss
"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you had that meeting today" I said getting out the ingredients for the peach cobbler and pizza the boys and I were going to make

"It got pushed back because the client lost a family member" I nodded and he came up behind me, wrapped his hands around my waist and rested his chin on my head
"What are you guys making today?"
"We're making peach cobbler and pizza" I said turning around to face him "make sure to save me some"
"will do" I said giving him a smile

I looked to the side and saw from the window that Grant arrived, time to get Jonathan out of here. "Ok well bye babe, I'll drop off the food when I drop off Jabez and Aiden" I said lightly shoving him out of the kitchen and trying to sneak him out "Woah, woah, woah, what's the rush?" He said halting, which made it harder for me to shove him out the door so I stopped trying.

I chuckled awkwardly "No rush at all"
"Ok then I'm going to stay, plus I wanna meet this Grant you speak so highly of" he said and I sighed in defeat
I have a strong feeling this isn't going to end well

Jabez and Aiden walked in
"Hi Saria, hi Jonathan" they both said and we greeted them back "Boys go wash your hands and wait for me in the kitchen, and don't touch anything sharp. Anton and Axiel will tell me if you try to." I said, they nodded and raced each other to the bathroom I chuckled at their excitement.

I turned back around to see Grant now in front of Jonathan and I. He easily towers Jonathan by 5 inches. He wore a sleek black suit, his amazing cologne, and a Rolex watch. His curly hair in its usual state but he had no beard

I gasped "Why did you shave your beard?" I said slapping his bicep
"Hello to you too" he said laughing and I could see his dimples

"Hi, but you still didn't answer my question" I said crossing my arms and he rolled is eyes.
I signaled him to bend down to my height, I grazed my hand over his jaw for a few seconds then I removed my hand and he went back to his normal height

"I miss the beard but at least your cute dimples are visible"
He blushed and I laughed

I heard someone clear their throat and I turned to the direction of the person. Oh my gosh Jonathan, I completely forgot about him
"Oh I'm so sorry baby, uh Grant this my boyfriend Jonathan, Jonathan this is one of my best friends Grant " Grant looked him up and down then looked at me blankly

"It's nice to meet you, I have heard a lot about you" Jonathan said putting his hand out for Grant to shake, Grant glanced at his hand but didn't shake it. "I wish I could say the same" he said flatly which caused Jonathan to drop his hand "Oookay..." Jonathan said awkwardly

This is exactly why I didn't want them to meet each other "Potresti fare molto meglio" (You could do so much better) Grant said in what I'm guessing is Italian.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior
"Babe we'll be right back" I said then dragged Grant to my office
"Why can't you be genuinely nice to him"
"Because I genuinely don't like him" he said emphasizing on the genuinely

"Why don't you like him?" I asked
"Because I don't" he said and I shook my head "You are so childish!" I exclaimed " And you are so annoying, why do you want me to like him?" He asked crossing his arms

"Because you both are important to me, I don't want it to be awkward when we're all together" he sighed
"Fine" my eyes widened "Fine?"
"Yes fine, but that doesn't mean I'll talk to him. I'll just learn to coexist with the pest"

"My boyfriend is not a pest"
"If he's not a pest then you definitely are" he said and I threw the empty tissue box on my desk at him but he dodged it

"Anyways I have to get back to Jabez and Aiden and don't you have to get back to work?" I said walking out my office with Grant right behind me
"Yes, and don't forget to save me some peach cobbler" he said

"Ok, but you have to share with Jaylen and Jaheim. Signorina Denise will have her lemon tarts so she might not want some, I'll still add some extra for her" he nodded as we reached where Jonathan was.

Jonathan was talking to a lady. She was pretty and they seemed to be invested in the conversation.
When he saw us come in he ended their conversation by walking away and came up to us. She smirked at me like she knew something I didn't.

Jonathan snaked his hand around my waist and pulled me in. I put on a smile but I couldn't stop wondering who that lady was.

|Grant's POV|:

I fucking hated them together

She would talk about him all the time and seeing how happy she was with him, I couldn't tell her how I feel about her.
Yes I've been in many relationships and all my major relationships I did love them but I can't explain the love I have for Saria. Maybe it's because we became friends and my feelings came from there but every minute I spend with her is a minute I wish lasted forever.

She's so good with Jabez. Jaylen and Jaheim love her, shit my whole family loves her. My mother didn't talk to me for about 3 month after I fired her 7 years ago.

Her beauty is overwhelming, sometimes I catch myself just staring at her. God I'm in love with a woman who doesn't realize how much I am in love with her.

I try so hard to move on and distract myself with work, one night stands, I even tried to stop talking to her. But then she showed up to my office and lectured me for not picking up her phone calls and stressing myself out with work.

How can I not love her, she always goes the extra mile for me.

Seeing him have his arm wrapped around her waist made me furious, I had to leave before I punched him in the face or vomited.
This is exactly why I didn't want to meet him.

"Uh Saria I'm going to head back to the office" I said
"Ok, drive safe and I'll call you when I drop off Jabez" she said then motioned for me to bend down to her height so that she could give me a kiss on the cheek.

She does that all the time, but I still blush every time.

I didn't bother saying bye to Jonathan, I barely acknowledge his presence.
I waved goodbye to Jabez and Aiden in the kitchen and they waved back.

I reached my car, got in, and drove off.

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