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|Saria POV|:

Let's just say that Mr.Reigns son was an interesting young man, I wouldn't of guess that he had a son, he keeps his private life very private

•Flash Back•
"Jaylen go help Miss Atkins on the documents while I take this call" Mr.Reign said
"Ok" he said a little too happy with a big smile on his face
"Aye mimi kupata kazi na punda wake cute" he said in Swahili
(Aye I get to work with her cute ass)

"Nami nitawapiga punda wako kama huna kufanya kile nilichokuuliza" Mr. Reign said back
(And I will beat your ass if you don't do what I asked you)
Jaylen rolled his eyes

I can speak French and Swahili, I learned it back in high school and at the foster home I lived in, my foster parents were Tanzanian, sadly they passed away in a car accident when I was about 11 and there went the closest thing I had to a family.

"Nzuri kujua kwamba watu wanajua lugha" I said at ease while continuing what I was doing
(Good to know that people know that langue)
(I know that this is spoken by many African countries but she's not use to other people around her knowing the language so..)

Jaylen was surprised and so was Mr.Reign
"I didn't know you spoke Swahili" Mr.Reign said ending his phone call
"I didn't know you spoke it either" I said quietly while continuing what I was doing before

"Ok maintenant je ne peux pas parler d'elle en Swahili" Jaylen said in French
(Ok now I can't talk about her in Swahili)
"J'espère tu ne parles pas de moi en français soit" I said to him
(I hope you don't talk about me in French either)

"Yo can I marry you" Jaylen asked
"Sorry I'm in a ....relationship, plus I'm 100% sure that's illegal" I said
"Nobody gotta know" he said
I just chuckled and shook my head

"I hope you don't understand Italian" Jaylen said
"Sadly I don't" I said smiling at him
"In that case, papà, dal momento che non posso sposarla, dovresti" Jaylen said in what I assume is Italian
(Dad since I can't marry her, you should)
"Ragazzo torna al lavoro" Mr.Reign said after rolling his eyes and picking up his phone
(A/N: I think it's get back to work, sorry ya girl forgot)

Mr.Reign said something under his breath and  continued his call. I couldn't make up what he said so I dismissed it and continued and talked to Jaylen some more and asking him some questions.

"How did you learn those languages?"Jaylen asked me  pulling me out of my thoughts

"Oh I learned it from my foster parents" I said
"Oh you were a foster kid" he said

"Yea I was dumped at a hospital when I was barely 3 months old with a bracelet stating that my name is Saria Uzuri (beauty)Atkins that I was born March 18th and that my parents didn't want me anymore" I said like it was nothing since I got over that a long time ago, it still hurts sometimes

"Even though your parents left you they spoke your beauty into existence" he said
I gave him a smile and a hug because nobody had said anything nearly that nice to me

"What do you or did you really want to become before you got this job?"he asked
"Well I wanted to be a OB/GYN" I said
"And why didn't you become one" he asked again
I chuckled

"Well I sadly listened to everybody and told myself I couldn't do it" I said shaking my head at the thought
"You can still follow your dreams, I'm pretty sure that my dad pays you enough to save up money to go to med school" he said

"Even of your dad pays me enough money I would still have to finish grad school which is taking up all my money from this job because of my student lones ,work, take care of myself and my boyfriend. Then wait until next fall for the answers of the med schools I apply to after I take the MCAT if I even pass it, go through medical school for 4 years to take that test that could make you or break you, then say I pass I have to do my residency which is another 3 to 4 years then by that time I would be like 38 or 39 then and would have to find somebody new cuz I know for sure my boyfriend is going to leave me by then, make sure that he understands me and stuff and get married be too old to have kids even tho I would be in a high risk pregnancy and ect... but if I don't find a mans then just die lonely surrounded by cute little puppies" I said and I can tell by the look on his face that I rambled

"Sorry I rambled" I said mentally facepalming myself
"Ok so you don't want to be a doctor anymore, what else do you want to do" he said smiling
"Welp then I guess I'd be your assho- I mean your fathers assistant til he gets tired of me, then if that happens I'll just become a volunteer at a homeless shelter or I don't really know what other career path I would take " I said

He laughed
"Well my dad can be an asshole but that's good that you want to help others, you look like a good baker " he said
I let out a laugh
" How can someone look like a good baker?"
"I don't know but you give me baker vibes"

I just shook my head
"Enough about me, how about you? What are your plans for the future?"
"I'm just finna be a hoe until someone comes along that I would stop hoeing around for" he said

I smiled and shook my head
"Just make sure that you don't mess it up when the right girl comes around"
He nodded and we finished up the work Mr.Reign gave us to do

This guy just really made my day, I hope he comes again so that we could chat more
We finished up the extra work Mr. Reign have to us and when I checked my clock it was 9:30 pm
Mr.Reign dismissed me
I gave Jaylen a hug and nodded at Mr.Reign and left the office

Today was the first time in a long time that I enjoyed myself

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