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|Saria POV|:

It's been a life changing 2 months, I don't sleep much during the night but once she down for a nap, best believe I am too.
I haven't fully resumed work but I started going in 3 times each after Jordyn turned 1 month. I go in with her because I don't want to depend on Signorina Denise all the time.

"Grant wheres her pacifier?!" I asked frantically looking around our bedroom

Today is Jordyn's Christening and to say I was freaking out is an understatement. Grant's family is Catholic, I don't belong to a denomination I'm just Christian. Grant asked if it was ok to get her christened since it's important to his family. I didn't mind but it's going to be my first time in a Catholic Church (I usually go to a Baptist church) and Ja'Nell always tells me how boring it is, I'm too scared to asked Grant just incase it's offensive.

"It was on the nightstand " He had his toothbrush in his mouth and 2 month old Jordyn in his other arm
"It's not here" I say looking everywhere around the night stand

"Saria calm down, we have an hour before the christening" it doesn't make me any less calm
"1 hour, oh my God- sorry God, oh my gosh I haven't even done my hair or makeup"
"I think you look fine"
"Grant I literally have dookey twist on my head, I don't look fine"

"Dookey twist?" He asked stifling a laugh
I twisted my hair yesterday night but got lazy so they started to look like dookey, just straight shit.
"Yes, dookey twist" I said taking Jordyn from his hands, I love kissing her cheeks because she smiles every time.

"I don't get kisses like that"
"Because you're not a cute little baby"
"I mean if I shave the beard..."
"Shave it if you want to" I shrugged taking Jordyn into her room to pick out an outfit

She's still small so she sleeps with us but all her clothes are in her room.
Grant followed me
"What do you mean 'shave it if you want to' you're the reason why I keep the beard"
"Grant I was just simply agreeing with what you said" he mimicked me, I rolled my eyes
"Very mature of you" he mimicked me again
"Jordyn your dad is 6 years older than me, but somehow I'm more mature. Crazy right" she just stared at me and put her hands in her mouth

"I'm not 6 years older than you"
"Yes you are old man" he actually looked surprised
"That means that when you were 12 I was 18" I simply nodded
"Oh God I'm marrying a child" he whispered
"Oh shut up, if anything I'm the one marrying a child" I said as I finished dressing Jordyn

"Jordyn your dad is very annoying"
"And your mom is a pain in the a-" my side eye cut him off
"-area my heart resides"
"Are you sure that's not heart burn?"
"Ha ha ha" he said monotonously as I passed Jordyn to him and went off to do my a hair and makeup
I didn't do much I just untwisted the twist for a cute twist out and put mascara and lip gloss on.

When I walked out Grant was dressed in a white dress shirt with the first few buttons unbuttoned so that you could see his simple gold chain,black dress pants, and dress shoes, and of course his gold Rolex.

I lean on the bathroom door and admire him, as much as he irritates me, no one with eyes can deny this man is fine.
"You're staring" he says not looking up from his phone
"I know"
"You're a creep" he said now looking up, I went over and kissed him

"And what about it" I whispered, he let out a shaky breath
"When are the 6 weeks up"
"2 weeks ago" his eyes widened
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
"We can talk about this tomorrow" I said going into my closet and he followed me

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