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|Saria's POV|:

I woke up with the sunlight in my eyes, I knew exactly where I was. Only in Grant's room my sleep is disturbed by the sun.

I opened my eyes to check the time, 7 AM OH MY GOSH I NEED TO OPEN THE SHOP

I jumped out of his bed and started to frantically looking for my hoodie, phone, slippers, and keys.
Grant walked out the bathroom in a black suit but his tie wasn't tied

"Where did you put my keys"
"Good morning to you too" he said chuckling, "Grant where are my keys, I have to open the shop" I said looking everywhere

"Before I went to sleep yesterday I called Nayline and told her she'll have to open the shop because you went to sleep late" he said stopping my frantic search
I sighed and sat down "No good morning kiss or thank you kiss" he said with his left eyebrow raised and I rolled my eyes playfully

"I need to brush my teeth first" I said walking into his bathroom and getting an extra toothbrush then brushing my teeth
I walked out to see him struggling to put his tie on. I used to always help my foster dad put his tie on.
"Come here" I said standing on one of the many chairs in his room

I helped him tie his tie and he stared at me the whole time "You have a staring problem" he chuckled "If you saw how beautiful you looked right now, you'd have a staring problem too" I smiled then patted his shoulders to indicate I was done.

He didn't move though, then I realized what he was waiting for. I gave him a kiss which he deepened, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck while his hands rested on my ass. The broke the kiss and started placing kisses down my neck.

"Dad? Saria?" A voice said which caused us to immediately stop, we turned our heads to see Jabez standing at the door with big eyes. Grant's face turned beet red

"Jabez what did I tell you about knocking?" He said putting me down
"I did knock but you guys were too buried in each other's faces to hear" Jabez said and I couldn't help but laugh which earned me a glare from Grant
"Hey don't look at me like that. Jabez I'm so sorry you had to see that, we'll do a better job of hearing the knock next time" I said

"Ok but when did this" he said said gesturing to us "happen, sorry dad but she's way out of your league, and last time I checked she had a boyfriend " he said crossing his arms and Grant rolled his eyes
"Jonathan and I broke up" I said and Jabez gasped "Dad I bet you were the reason they broke up" he said which caused Grant to rub the back of his neck awkwardly and Jabez to shake his head
"We all knew it was going to happen, I like Saria so I don't mind" he said then left the room

"What just happened?" Grant asked
"I think we were just interrogated by an 11 year old" I said
We both looked at each other and busted out laughing

After we recovered he looked at his watch "Well I have to head to work" he said "Yea me too" I said putting on my hoodie and slippers
"Saturday night at 7:45, dress fancy" he said walking into his at home office that was connected to the room
"Why?" I asked and he walked out with his brief case and some manila folders "I'm taking you out on a date"

"Ok, I'll have to close the shop a little early." I said grabbing all my things and walking out the door
"Ok just be ready by 7:45" he said following behind me as we went down the stairs "I'm always ready on time" I said and he gave me a look "Ok maybe sometimes I'm late, but my hair takes up 70% of the time"
"Just be on time" he said and I nodded

I saw signorina Denise and greeted her but it was brief since I had to go, I also said bye to Jaylen, Jaheim, and Jabez.
Grant and I were out the door, he gave me a quick kiss goodbye and drove off as I got into my car and drove off too

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