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|Saria's POV|:

It was Saturday and I was at Grant's house chilling by the pool with Leo, Jabez, and signorina Denise. It was so hot.

Construction on the shop had to be extended 3 days which annoyed me because baking from my kitchen has not been ideal. Ja'Nell and I stayed up yesterday night to finish all the cakes and pastries scheduled for today, Anton and Axiel picked them up this morning and dropped them off, I was going to joined them but they insisted they could do it themselves.

Anyways I think the sun was against the whole human race today.

"Saria come in the pool, you won't be as hot" signorina Denise tried to convince me for the 3rd time
"Signorina Denise I can't swim and I don't want to wash chlorine out of my hair, plus I'm doing fine in the shade" I said and she shook her head

"You can't swim?" Grant asked scaring the shit out of me which caused me to hit his thigh and he laughed, so did Jabez and Signorina Denise
"Why would you scare to me like that" I said holding my hand to my heart
"Sorry" he said pecking my lips
"Ewww" Jabez said scrunching up his face and I chuckled

"I'll teach you how to swim" he said but I shook my head
"Don't worry your hair won't get wet" he threw me over his shoulder before I could protest
"Grant no the water's s going to be cold" I said as we got closer to pool stairs
"That's the point" he said in a duh tone
He walk into the pool and tried to put me down but I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, holding on to him like my life depended on it.

He gave me the 'are you serious' look, and he tried to put me down again but I wouldn't budge.
"Saria the point of swimming is getting into the pool" he said
"I know but the water looks cold" I said then he started to give me kisses all over my face which distracted me and he put down in the pool but once I felt how cold the water was I ran out
They all laughed at me

"It's not funny, I don't know how you guys are in the pool when it's that cold"
"You're such a baby" Jabez said and I mocked offense
"Jabez I though we were besties, you're supposed to have my back" I said
"I can't be 'besties' with someone who is scared of cold water" he said and I rolled my eyes

"Ok Saria you got this, you can stand in cold water. Your body is going to regulate anyways and it's too hot to just be sitting in the shade" I said to myself as I reached the pool stairs
Once the cold water hit it took everything in me not to run back to the shade

I latched myself onto Grant "good job baby" he jokingly cooed and I side eyed him
"See it's not that bad" he said and I just waved him off

It was peacefully for a while, Grant was swimming with Jabez on his back and I was just hanging out with signorina Denise, she was telling me stories about her childhood.
That peace ended quickly when Jaheim and Jaylen decided to cannon ball in the pool at the same time.

Signorina Denise was cussing them out in Italian, I didn't understand a word but I couldn't help but laugh.

We eventually went inside to take a shower, and I told signorina Denise I'd help her with dinner.

I reach Grant's room and was about to walk into the bathroom when I was pinned to the wall and Grant captured my lips. His hands roamed my body but I stopped him.

"I have to help signorina Denise with dinner" I said and he groaned "I've been waiting to get that bathing suit off you since I saw you" he said and I patted his cheek
"Next time" then I took a shower, put my bathing suit in a plastic bag so that I could wash it when I get home. I wore the extra clothes i brought just a simple oversized t-shirt, sweatpants, and socks. I let my hair free from the bun I was sporting and made my way downstairs.

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