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|Saria's POV|:

I woke up in pain

I limped downstairs to see if Andrew was there, I've been hiding in the room because of what happened last night, just thinking about it makes me want to cry. But I've cried to the point my head hurts, and I don't have any more tears and I have a massive headache on top of that.


I walked in from work, thinking about how much I hate it here.
I sighed and went upstairs, I didn't hear or see Andrew so I thought that I could just get ready for bed and  sleep.

Boy was I wrong.
I walked in my room and saw Andrew with about 5 or 6 guys around him all shirtless. Can't lie that they were pretty handsome but why the hell were they in my room.

"Hi Andrew, hi guys... umm why are you all in my room" I said confused and kind of scared
"Oh baby girl, they're here to fuck you" Andrew said bluntly

"What?" I asked confused and really terrified at the moment
Before I could even say anything else, I was grabbed and my clothes were being ripped off

I was fighting to get them off me but Andrew punched me in the face and then all I saw was black

I woke up to have a guy hovering over me and one caressing my face. And then I felt something in my girly. I realized that they were raping me while I blacked out.

I started yelling and crying and trying to get away but I was tied to the bed. I begged all the other guys in the room to help me, call the police, let me free, something, anything that would make it stop.


But nobody helped me, they all laughed and one started kissing me hard, one started sucking on my neck. They kept raping me and plunging into me.

I didn't see Andrew anywhere, why, why, why would he do this. What did I do, did I not cook enough , am I not a good girlfriend, am I a bad person. Did I deserve this. I could get a serious STD or STI

Then I felt one of them release in me.Thank you Lord for giving me a sign yesterday to take my pill since I haven't been on it for a while. Mostly because Andrew is never around anymore, but the day he's around he does something so disgusting, degrading, and disappointing to me.

"Why me.. why me Lord why" I said looking at the ceiling having tears rolling down my face

I started to sob harder and just gave up on fighting. Then I heard the door open and my head snapped to the door. There was Andrew, with a big smile on his face.

"Does it feel good baby girl" he said touching my face
I whipped my face away from him and in return I got slapped.

"Don't fucking disrespect me bitch, that's why you're a hoe and let all these niggas fuck you senseless" he said shaking his head

"Can never turn a hoe into a house wife" he said and everyone in the room started laughing  saying, for sure, right, and bitches ain't shit.

I just kept crying that's all that I could do but with that came a punch and I blacked out again.

And that explains why I've been hiding well avoiding Andrew.
I can never forgive him for that but. I don't hold grudges, but what he did was out of line. Why would he do that. What did I do to him, am I not enough.

I sigh and look through the fridge waiting for Andrew to just come. One thing I learned is never ask him where he's been. That's how I ended up with a broken jaw.

I don't even want to eat, but I'm so hungry. Ima make me some food.
*1 hour later*

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT SHIT SHIT" I whisper yelled while shaking my hand since I just burned it trying to pick up the lasagna and guess who's dumb enough to forget the gloves 🤦🏾‍♀️

Anyways I made some lasagna and garlic bread even if it's 2:00pm I was hungry.

I walked into the bathroom to use the toilet and I ended up in-front of the mirror looking at myself. I was having so much fun being alone and cooking and singing along to throwback songs that I forgot the type of hell I was living in.

I had very bad bruises not just from yesterday it always builds up

"I'm so ugly, why does he do this why does he hurt me" I thought
Then I just started crying and crying.

I need to leave I need to get help I can't just do this to myself I can't put myself in pain because of a man who tore me down mentally and beat me up physically. But I couldn't just leave yet. I need to be confident enough and mentally and physically ready. Plus I have nowhere I go. I can't leave this house full of the memories of my foster parents and I.

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