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|Saria's POV|:

There he stood in all his 6'5 glory. Clad in a sleek black suit, the white Oxford shirt he was wearing had the first few buttons unbuttoned, I couldn't see his shoes. His hair was styled in a curly taper cut with a bouncy curl falling in his face, his beard was in it's 'usual' state. He was on the phone quietly speaking in what sounded like Italian, his silver Rolex gleamed on his wrist,  while his eyes wandered around the shop.

Well those wandering eye came in direct contact with mine and he stopped speaking. It was like the world stopped in that moment and it was just us. Just the eye contact took my breath away, I forgot how beautiful his eyes were.

All my thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. And it's like we both broke from the trance we were in and both looked away quickly. He apologized to the person he was on the phone with, and I think said that he'd call them back.

"Well if it isn't Saria Atkins" Georgina said
I just smiled
"Hi, Georgina how are you?" I said putting a genuine smile on my face, I forgave her a long time ago and I'm not about to let her affect me negatively. We're not in high school anymore, we're full grown adults.

She ignored my question
"Can you be useful and bring me the manager or owner of this place" she said looking at her nails

I walked to the back to get a complaint paper that I will definitely not be filing but just to entertain her nonsense and came back with a bright smile on my face

"Oh sorry, I forgot to get my complaint paper"
A look of fear came across Rani's face but I gave her a reassuring look that she has nothing to worry about
"I didn't ask for a complaint paper, I asked for you to get the manager or owner of the place. I can see that you're still incompetent"

Fuck being civil adults, I was ready to bash her head through this counter. Two can play at her childish games. There were other people working the counter and 3 other cash registers so we weren't holding up the line.

"Oh sorry let me go get her" I said then went to the back to take off my my apron and dust myself off and fluffed my hair out a little.

"Hi how may I help you" I said with a big smile on my face
The look of realization hit her, that I Saria the apparent incompetent person was the owner of the place
"T-This is your pastry shop?" She asked
And I nodded, she looked at me in disgust
"Come on Grant, we'll go to another" she said then tried to drag him with her but he didn't even move one inch.

"Babe, you know the only other pastry shop is across town and we have to get to work in" he checked his watch "15 minutes, and I'm not driving all the way across town" I don't know why I felt a tang in my heart when he called her babe.
She huffed but complied

It seems like Rani can take it from here
"Do you need me still Rani" I asked her just to make sure
"No I've got it, thanks" she said kind of looking down at me. Rani is 5'10, her height compliments her while my ass is stuck at 5'3.
Anyways, I turned to walk away when I felt eyes on me. I turn slightly and saw the owner of the eyes, no other than Grant Reign. He quickly looked away once he saw I caught him.

I knew the man was hot, I worked for him for 2 1/2 years, but damn I didn't realize that he was this hot. I sighed and made my way back to Ja'Nell
"Hey what happened out there"
"Nothing serious just some lady giving Rani a hard time"

"Oh ok, anywho I was wondering what you thought about this for the pastries" she said showing me some ideas, since the theme is masquerade we brainstormed a few ideas and I guess while I was handling the commotion she did some research.

I loved her ideas and we emailed the sketches to Tommy then called him to ask him what he thought of it. He loved it even more than we did, he couldn't stop saying thank you and we assured him it was no problem. Then we said our goodbyes.

As we ended the call Cami and Malcom walked. I got up to embrace her and rub he belly, she was so cute pregnant.
"So how was the appointment?"
"It was good and we have a surprise" Cami said excitedly
Malcom smiled at her excitement

"What is it?" I asked anxiously
"Ok so you know how we were going to wait until the twins were born to find out the genders" she said and it looked like she was about to burst of excitement
"Yea" me and Ja'Nell said at the same time
"Ok so I couldn't wait any longer, I just had to know" Cami said
"YOU KNOW THE GENDER OF THE TWINS" I yelled out in excitement
"YES YES, I KNOW THE GENDERS" She yelled out jumping up and down a little
"But we're not going to tell you guys" Malcom said in a monotone voice interrupting our excitement

"Oh hush babe, we're going to tell them" she said waving him off and he rolled his eyes in response
"Who are you rolling your eyes at Malcom David Smith, you know what I'll deal with you later, I'm too excited right now" she said
"WE'RE HAVING GIRLS" she yelled out in excitement
"AHHHH WE'RE HAVING GIRL" I said and hugged her tight (not too tight) while swaying back and forth

"OMG I HAVE TO GO SHOPPING FOR THEM" Ja'Nell said about to run out the store before I stopped her
"Aht aht, bring dat ass back here, you're still clocked in for another 5 hours" I said
She sighed and slowly retreated back, I could help but laugh

"Oh I'm so happy for you Cami" I said hugging her one more time
"And auntie can't wait to meet you girls" I said to her belly, which keeps growing everyday

"Congrats to you too Malcom, I know you're going to be an amazing father to these girls, just like you are to Aiden" I said
"Thanks Saria"
"No problem"

"Wow that excitement took a lot out of me, but we need to show you both the cake sketch that Ja'Nell made"
We showed them and they loved it
"What flavors does he want?" Malcom asked
"He says their favorite flavors are carrot, red velvet, and lemon, with our special raspberry pavola cream" Ja'Nell said
"That's a lot a flavors" Cami said
"I know that's what I was thinking but it's our job to somehow make it work" I said

It was Monday so we had about 5 days to make the cake and the other pastries.
We discussed the topic more and then parted ways.

*A few hours later*

I was working on a few things in my office when Vanessa came in to tell me that Joe had came in.
I went into the kitchen and got the box of apple pie cupcakes I made earlier.

I walked out to the front and there was Joe.
"Hey Joe, how did your day go"
"It went well, you know there's not much to do" he said and I chuckled in response
I followed him to his car with the box in my hands
He opened the front door and I placed the box in the front seat

"There's 2 dozen cupcakes in there, I hope you and JJ enjoy them" I said
"Oh thank you Saria, you are too kind. I'm on my way to see JJ and I know he'll be so happy"
"It's no problem, I love seeing my desserts put a smile on people's faces"
"They sure do" he said as he got in the drivers seat

"Tell Irene, JJ, and the rest of the family I said hi"
"I will, especially to Tim" he said raising his eyebrows playfully
I chuckled in response "You're too much"
"I'm not getting any younger and I have a lot of time on my hands so being a match maker gives me something to do"

I chuckle "I bet it does"
"Well bye Saria, have a good rest of your day"
"You too Joe, dive safe"
"I will" and with that he drove away and I walked back into the shop and back into my office

I lean back in my office chair, what a day today was. I just can't wait to go snuggle up with Leo. I asked Ms. Jenny across the hall to check up on him and feed him at 3:00. He's fine and is just playing with his chew toy in his cage. I got a big cage so that he can still move around and not feel trapped.

Anywho, I'm just happy this long day is coming to an end, I'm still scared for Saturday though.

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