What if

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Peter walked away, happy that he'd made the right decision, that he'd passed the test and Mr Stark was proud of him. As if he'd actually let Peter be an Avenger- pfffffff.

Peter was just turning around to double check that it had been a test when the door opened into the room Peter had assumed was empty and a hum of noise exploded out. 

"Peter?" Pepper asked, frowning at him. "Where are you going?"

"Happy told him to go wait in the car," Tony said quickly. Happy's eyes widened in betrayal and he opened his mouth to retort as Pepper continued.

"Get back over here, kid, and put the suit on. I have a room full of reporters waiting for some big news and they won't stay patient much longer."

Wide-eyed, Peter made his way back to the wall where the iron spider suit was still displayed. "For real?"

"For real, kid," Tony nodded. "Yes or no?" He repeated his earlier question. Peter hesitated.

"We don't have time for this!" Pepper groaned, grabbing Peter and pressing a button on the suit, causing it to contract into a metal disk which she pressed onto Peter's back, forming the suit around him. "Come on."

Peter stood in shocked silence as Pepper clicked back through the door into he room of reporters and gave a quick introduction.

"So without further ado, let me introduce you to the newest Avenger: Spider-Man!" Pepper beckoned through the still-open door, and Peter stumbled inside.

The room exploded with noise, and Peter stood frozen as reporters leapt to their feet and shoved microphones in his direction.

"How does it feel-"

"Will you reveal-"

"Where did the new suit-"

"Why have been been chosen-"

"What do you plan to-"

"QUIET!" Pepper called. "One at a time, please. Spider-Man is going to continue his routine patrols and only help here part-time, and he's a very busy man so can we only have a few questions, thank you. You in the stripy top."

"Spider-Man, how long have you known about this?"

"Honestly? I only found out about five seconds ago." Peter wasn't sure how he managed to drag up his usual Spidey charm, but there it was.

"Red hat."

"How do you feel about this opportunity?"

"It's pretty insane, actually. I never really thought I'd be any bigger than a street-level vigilante, so yeah... Crazy."

"Yellow beanie."

"Do your new teammates know that you'll be joining them?"

Peter looked to Pepper. 

"It was discussed at the last team meeting but never confirmed, but I'm sure they'll all be delighted to have Spider-Man on the team. You in the purple jeans."

"Do the Avengers know your identity?"

"Uh-" Peter looked to Pepper again, who gave a slight shake of her head. "No."

A murmur ran through the room. "Does anyone know who you really are behind the mask, and how can your team trust you if they know nothing about you?" Somebody called from the back of the room. Peter opened his mouth to reply, but faltered. They were right - how would the Avengers trust him if he stayed hidden? But if he revealed himself, they sure wouldn't trust a kid.

"Tony and I both know Spider-Man behind the mask, and I'm sure the team will find him just as much of a pleasure as we do," Pepper said firmly. Peter shot her a grateful smile, then realised she couldn't see it. "Yes, you."

"Spider-Man, will you be staying in Queens, or coming to live here in the compound?"

"Um, like I said this is all pretty new to me too, so we haven't really worked out the logistics yet."

"Spider-Man, can you tell us more about your new suit?"

"Sure!" Peter glanced down at his metal-clad arms. "Well, there's not much to tell. This suit is as new to me as the idea of being an actual Avenger," he coughed a laugh. "But I can tell you that it smells like a new car in here, and after all the cool stuff Mr Stark hid in my last suit, I can't wait to check out what's new in this one!" 

Several more hands flew into the air, but Pepper patted Peter on the shoulder and said, "I'm afraid that's all for now, but I'm sure you'll be seeing Spidey back very soon," she guided him out of the room, Tony clapping Peter on the back as he headed in to give a few quotes of his own.

As soon as the door closed behind the billionaire, the faceplate of the iron spider suit retracted, revealing Peter's stunned brown eyes. 

"That was- Ms Potts how can I-"

"It's okay Pete, come on and I'll show you your new room."

Peter nodded mutely and followed the businesswoman down a series of corridors  to a row of doors marked with name plaques. They walked past 'Nat', 'Birdbrain', 'Pointbreak' and 'Wanda' before finally coming to 'Vision' and then a plaque marked only with an engraving of a spider.

"Today had it made ages ago," Pepper admitted. "He was really hoping you'd say yes, even if he'd never say so."

"Wow, Ms Potts, this is all so... wow." Pepper reached for the handle and pushed the door open, and Peter let out a soft gasp. The room was huge, almost as big as Peter's whole apartment, and full of Spider-Man merchandise. Pepper winced.

"Sorry for the mess, it's a running joke in the team to see who can find the most merchandise themed around them, and when they got bored of cluttering their own rooms they decided to 'decorate' yours too."

"It's no problem," Peter breathed, drifting into the room. Not only was the floor spectacular, but someone had converted the ceiling into an upside-down room of its own, with a gym and reading corner and flat ceiling lights so he didn't trip over them. In short, the whole room was awesome.

"I'm assuming you'll want to continue living with your aunt," Pepper said after seeing the hesitation on his face, "but this room will always be free for you and we'd love it if you came to stay some weekends or something." Peter nodded slowly, looking back down at his new suit. 

An Avenger. He could get used to that.

Peter opted to tell the team his identity as soon as possible, which was the first time he met them.  It was a good thing he did too, because Vision had a nasty habit of popping his head through the wall to see what Peter was up to whenever he came to stay, and he wasn't sure he could be bothered to wear the mask at all times. The team were shocked but welcoming and he soon became the baby of the group, albeit a sticky, super-powered spider baby who could atop a bus with his bare hands and do some injury to most of them in a fight if it came to it.

With Spider-Man now an official Avenger, a lot of the vigilante's bad publicity faded, and eventually even J Jonah Jameson had to move on. The iron spider suit made patrol a lot safer and more effective, and crime rates plummeted.

All in all, life was very good, and Peter was extremely glad that he hadn't left the compound believing that it had all been a test.

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