Cuffed (2)

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It had been months - almost a year, really - since Peter had accidentally locked himself to a supervillain and they'd bonded over their young age. Peter hadn't seen or heard of Jacob (alias the Dwarf) since they'd revealed their identities and the former villain had a change of heart courtesy of Aunt May. A month after the incident, he'd been to Kira's place to see how they were doing, but there was nobody there. Since then, he'd done no more than occasionally wonder how the two were getting on with their lives. It had been nice, meeting a fellow superpowered teen.

The past week had been long and tiring, and Spider-Man was flagging a little as he battled the Sinister Six singlehandedly. He'd stopped punning a while ago, and now was barely managing to dodge blows aimed at him. Luckily, he'd taken out two of them already so now he only had to deal with Kraven, Doc Oc, the Lizard and Rhino. 

"One against six really isn't fair, guys," Peter complained tiredly as he shot a badly aimed web at Kraven, who cackled triumphantly. He could really do with a team or something. His own personal Avengers.

The thought was distracting enough that he didn't notice the tentacle shooting at him until he was about to be knocked out by the metal arm. He braced for the impact, but it never came. Instead, the metal seemed to be frozen in mid-air. Peter glanced at Doc Oc, but he seemed just as confused.

"Miss me?" A voice asked, and Peter turned to see the Dwarf in all his green-cape, black-Kevlar glory. A single hand was outstretched, holding the tentacle in place using telekinesis.

"You know it," Peter replied, not trying to hide the surprise in his voice. "I thought you'd quit this stuff?"

Jacob shook his head. "Went travelling, picked up some friends. Figured you might need some help back in NY - turns out I was just on time."

"No joke," Peter laughed as he fended off Doc's renewed attacks whilst the Dwarf started remotely dismantling Rhino's suit. "Nice control," he commented. "What are your new friends like?"

"Really cool," Peter could hear the smirk in Jacob's voice. "Some of them have been really looking forward to meeting you."

Before Peter could ask what the other boy meant, the Lizard fell out of the sky and slammed into the sidewalk, groaning. A smaller green shape plummeted after him, slowed at the last second by - were those wings? Yep, definitely wings, membranous and folding neatly into the back of a humanoid figure as they landed beside the Lizard and continued fighting him. 

"Look what I found, D!" A cheerful voice called, and Kraven flew onto the scene, squirming like the air was carrying him. 

"Good job, Gnat!" The Dwarf called back as he knocked out the Rhino. Invisible hands did the same thing to the hunter at the same time as the green figure finished off the Lizard. Feeling grateful but a little wary of the newcomers, Spider-Man shot an electric web at the confused Otto Octavious.

"Nighty night," he quipped as the mad scientist went limp. He webbed up all four villains securely and alerted SHIELD of their location, then turned to Jacob. "New friends, huh?"

"Yeah," Jacob said, sounding a lot less sure of himself now that the fight was over. "I've got a lot to catch you up on. If you're interested, that is?"

"Of course! It's good to see you again," Peter said, and meant it.

"Gnat and I are going to head back to base," the green figure who'd taken down the Lizard murmured to the Dwarf on the way past, not meeting Spider-Man's eye. Peter tried not to stare at the girl as she left. Those wings were nowhere to be seen, but there was a shimmering greenish tint still to her skin, and that was a scaled tail swaying behind her.

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