New Avengers

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Ben had once told Peter that even if he had nothing, he could still help people.

Ben had said many poignant things, all of which Peter thought about often, but this was the one he found himself thinking about after he found himself with no way home; no way back to who he used to be. When he had nothing, he sat and stared around at his miserable room and handmade suit and realised he could do more. He could still help people.

This time, Spider-Man reached out to the Avengers. The media had been all over their recent recruitment of a new generation of heroes. There was a young Hawkeye, the Black Widow's little sister, a guy with magic bracelets, a female Hulk and probably others that hadn't been caught by paparazzi yet.

Some light hacking revealed a weekly training session scheduled in the compound's system, so Peter invited himself to the next one. FRIDAY still ran the compound and although she didn't remember him either, she clearly knew to trust Spider-Man because the doors at the front of the building opened to let him in and the person at security glanced at their tablet and waved him through.

Peter found his way to the training room and paused to watch through the glass. The session seemed to be being led by Wong and Sam. He was right - as well as three of the four he'd seen on the news, there was a girl training with Captain Marvel and two teenagers who seemed to have powers of teleportation and summoning glowing knives.

He knocked on the door. The sounds of fighting paused and Sam's brows raised when he saw Spider-Man at the door. They'd only really met briefly, first at the airport battle, then again during the final fight against Thanos, and finally at Tony's funeral. Sam wouldn't remember that last one, though.

"Webs," Sam greeted.

"Mr America." There was a confidence in Peter's voice that hadn't been there last time they'd met. Having nothing means you have to act like you have everything. "I'm here to join the Avengers."

"Oh yeah?" Sam didn't step out of the doorway. "And you think you can just come in here making a demand like that?" He didn't slam the door in his face, either.

"Yes. You're training the next generation, right? A new Captain America, a new Panther, another Marvel, a new Hawkeye, new magicians... Tony trained me, and I'd like to continue his legacy."

"You think you can be the next Iron Man?" Sam's tone was mocking but he still hadn't closed the door.

"No, but I think I can follow in the footsteps of Tony Stark. I'm strong, fast, a quick learner. I'm smart, I'm experienced and I have a strong sense of justice."

"Humble, too."

"Was Tony?"

Sam huffed a laugh. "You've got me there."

"I can submit a formal application if you want, but I figured that was a good way to get ignored. If you need to test me, fine. I'll do whatever you need to get onto this team."

"And why should we trust you?" Wong called across the room even as he observed a spar between two of the magic wielders.

"Tony did. FRIDAY still does. Fury does too, even if he doesn't know it. And Wong- this feels weird, right? Deja vu? You've helped me out before, you just don't remember it."

Wong frowned consideringly, then gave a sharp nod and turned back to the teleporting teenager. "Let him in."

"I don't remember you being quite so gobby at the airport," Sam mused. "A chatterbox, sure, but a polite one."

Peter shrugged fluidly. "I didn't say Tony was an entirely good influence."

Finally Sam stepped back, holding the door open. "You'd better come in, then."

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