Project week

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"Okay class," announced Mr Harrington, "seeing as it's the end of term and I can't be bothered to teach you anything, I'm going to set you a fun assignment. Isn't that exciting?"

A groan sounded around the room.

"You'll be in pairs- THAT I WILL CHOOSE!"

" Awwwwwww"

Seeing as they recently just saved the universe and probably deserve recognition, your project will be on one of the Avengers - again, WHOM I SHALL ASSIGN! Any questions? "

"Can I do Captain America?"

" No. "

Mr Harrington started calling out names and their respective avenger. Finally he got to "Flash and Peter, Iron Man. MJ and Ned, Spiderman."

Flash smirked and patted Peter forcefully on the back. "This should be easy, seeing as you're best friends with Tony Stark. How about you text him now and get a meeting set up, huh?"

" Okay. " Peter pulled out his phone and started typing something. Flash leaned over his shoulder to see. He was texting a contact named Mr Stark.

Hey Mr Stark sorry to bother you but I'm doing a class project on you and I wondered if you were free for an interview at some point?

Mr Stark
Aren't you supposed to be in class? Why are you texting?

Yeah, I'm free Sunday after 4pm

Cool! Thanks Mr Stark

Mr Stark
How many times
It's Tony

Bye Mr Stark

Flash blinked. Was it possible that Peter really knew Iron Man?
Whilst he was puzzling over that, Peter had started typing up some facts about Tony.
He is 49
He is married to Pepper Potts and has a daughter called Morgan
He lives off coffee
He has been clean for 3 years
His Mario Kart record is 3m 24sec

Flash was about to scoff that Peter couldn't possibly know some of this stuff, but then he but his tongue. He would find out on Sunday. For now, he needed something else to... Ah ha.

"Hey, Leeds! Coming to ask Parker if you can have a chat with his bestie Spiderman?"

MJ shot Flash a glare. "Yes actually, he was. Peter, is he free on Saturday morning?"

"Uh, yeah, should be."

" Cool. We'll meet him in Central Park. "


Flash just stared. "What just happened?"

Peter just smiled.

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