Holding back (2)

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The alarm grew louder, and the students approaching the door recoiled as sounds emerged from the hallway. There was a flash of light, then a figure was stood in the doorway wearing a suit of armour that looked like a crude Ironman suit. They were holding some kind of blaster gun, which the light had come from. 

"Children, go and stand against the walls if you want to live," the figure said in a robotic voice. 

Somebody said something that sounded suspiciously like 'bold of you to assume I want to live,' but everybody obeyed them. Even Peter, after a hesitation, moved to stand beside Flash near the climbing rope, ignoring Ned's wide-eyed gestures from beside the doors to the changing room.

The coach began to back towards the wall as well, but the metal person levelled the blaster at her. 

"Stay still," it growled, and shot a blast at her. Peter lunged forward, too far away to do anything without his web shooters. The coach dodged just in time, and a small chunk of the wall exploded. Luckily the robot dude didn't notice Peter's sudden movement, so he slunk back toward the wall, giving Ned a meaningful look. Need frowned, then nodded in understanding and began edging toward the doors to the changing rooms.

"What do you want?" the coach asked, surprisingly calm, as she took cover behind the parkour blocks.

"You know what I want," the attacker growled, moving closer. "I, Metalhead, spent the best years of my life in prison! You are just the first of a long list of SHIELD's cronies I will take down!"

"It was nothing personal," the coach grunted. Peter couldn't see her, but it sounded like she was doing something other than hiding. "Besides, I'm retired now." Whilst the pair were talking, Peter began to whisper instructions to Flash.

"When I tell you, you need to make a break for the doors into the corridor," Peter hissed into he other boy's ear.

"What?" Flash complained in a low voice. "I don't have a death wish, Parker! Why should I listen to you, anyway?"

"He won't shoot you, I swear. You have to trust me!"

'Metalhead' took another noisy step towards the coach, and Peter took the opportunity to shove Flash towards the doors. 

In the next second, several things happened. Firstly, Flash gave a loud yelp that caused Metalhead to spin around to see what was going on, but kept the blaster trained at the coach. As Peter had suspected, it wasn't dumb enough to point the weapon away from an agent of SHIELD, even a retired one. Flash, caught in the glare of those dark eye sockets, panicked and sprinted for the doors. This diversion allowed several other things to happen. Whilst Metalhead was focused on the doors to the corridor, Ned slipped through the doors to the changing rooms. The coach took the opportunity to shoot at the attacker with a handgun she'd assembled then silently roll to a new hiding place before it could turn back around. And during all of these things, Peter made a break for the climbing rope, and scrambled up in less than a second without anyone noticing.

From his new position perched upside-down on the high ceiling, Peter could see Flash reach the doors and barge into them, only to rebound. Peter had noticed Metalhead lock them on the way in, another reason why he'd gambled that they wouldn't shoot a student that tried to escape.

With a roar, Metalhead charged at the coach's previous hiding spot, smashing through the wooden blocks only to find the coach gone. 

From the other side of the room, positioned so that Metalhead would be firing away from the students, the coach emptied another round of bullets into their armour. Metalhead span around, snarling in frustration, and fired off several blasts in her direction. Now, Metalhead wasn't a great shot, but unfortunately they were intelligent enough to have hacked into SHIELD and gotten a list of people to get revenge on, however misguided. So when one of their shots went wide and rebounded to smash into a wall near some of the students, they picked up on the coach's terrified cry. With a mechanical chuckle, the armour span so the blaster was aimed at a student. The boy froze.

"Attack, and they start to die," Metalhead warned, advancing towards the coach. Peter, still on the ceiling, winced. Ned still wasn't back, but... He grabbed the top of the rope again so as not to give himself away, and gave a short wave to attract the coach's attention. She frowned in concern, but gave a shallow nod and fired again at Metalhead. With a roar, Metalhead fired the blaster. Peter kicked his legs for momentum, then released the rope and dropped from the ceiling to intercept the blast. It tore through his shirt, leaving his side bleeding as he rolled to absorb his impact with the ground.

There was a frightened yell of "Peter!" and an astonished "Parker???"

Peter wanted to assure them he'd had worse, but now Metalhead's attention was on him. He got to his feet slowly, feigning pain as he clutched his side. Yes, the attacker was crude, but that metal armour would be tough to get through. He'd need every advantage he could get, element of surprise included.

"Um, hi?" Peter waved awkwardly. "Would you mind not shooting our coach? It's just, I think she just started to like me?"

He could have sworn she rolled her eyes.

 "Stay out of this, child," the attacker sneered.

The coach gave an exasperated sigh, and fired another round, leaving a row of dents in the armour. Metalhead screeched and swivelled wildly, not sure where to point their weapon. Whilst they were facing the coach, Peter leapt forward with enhanced speed and strength, and knocked Metalhead off balance. They stumbled and tripped over the balance beam.

"Ned!" Peter yelled as he leapt straight into the air, easily clearing the top of the high jump poles. Ned threw a small device at him, and Peter grabbed the webshooter out of the air and slammed it onto his arm, bashing his wrists together so the machines could form. Peter somersaulted and landed on Metalhead's shoulders as they tried to stand. The blaster rose to point at his face, but he grabbed Metalhead's arm and aimed it at the ceiling. The coach ran up and searched for a kill switch in the armour, not asking any questions as Peter held Metalhead down. 

This was a lot easier than he'd thought it would be - maybe he could pass it all of as steroids after all.

The coach yanked a wire out of the back of Metalhead's metal head just as the person inside the suit began laughing. Peter's sixth sense flared violently - apparently he'd spoken too soon. Again.

"Get back!" he roared as he ran towards the students, where a small device had begun to beep rapidly. He shot webs at the bomb as he neared, but they were his home-made ones, not the ones built into his suit, so he knew they couldn't contain the explosion. Stunned and afraid, his classmates began scrambling away from the explosive that nobody had noticed, leaving a clear path for Peter as he leapt towards it.

He felt the impact of the hard floor a second before the bomb exploded underneath him and the world went black.

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