Cuffed (1)

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Despite everything Spider-Man had done for Queens and the people of New York, JJJ was winning. He'd found a clause somewhere deep in the laws of the land which declared that super-powered vigilante justice was illegal even if approved by the government if the hero's identity was not public knowledge. There were more people throwing things at Peter than asking for a selfie with him when he did his daily rounds, and the police no longer asked for his help but tried to bring him in. It was getting tiring, but a hero's work is never done.

It was the summer break and there was a new villain in town - a super-powered telekinetic who called himself the Dwarf. He was too powerful to fight, so Peter had spent all weekend modifying a pair of handcuffs that would cancel out his power. They were tuned to the Dwarf's powers specifically, but Peter knew they worked because when he tried them on himself he'd felt his own powers weaken significantly. All he had to do now was get them onto the villain. Easy-peasy.

Nope, Spidey thought as he stared down at where his wrist had been caught in one side of the cuffs, dampening his abilities. Not so easy after all. Luckily, he had managed to catch one of the Dwarf's hands in the other side of the cuffs, so he just needed a police officer to show up with a key and release him.

"What have you done?" the Dwarf yelled in his gravelly voice, tugging at his arm. He was several centimetres shorter than Peter and wore a dark green cowl with a hood. Beneath that was lightweight Kevlar body armour and a black face mask.

"My job?" Spidey relied a little nervously, ducking as the Dwarf tried to swing a punch at him with his free hand. Luckily, without his power he was sloppy at best. "Although it seems I still have a few kinks to iron out." He rattled the chain of the handcuffs.

The police pulled into the road, screeching.

"I got him!" Spider-Man yelled, raising his arm. "Just release my side of the cuffs and he's all yours."

The police officers approached warily, but when they realised that the Dwarf's powers weren't working they hurried forwards. One of them spat at Spidey.

"Now that's just unnecessary," he dodged, hiding the hurt from his voice. "Help a guy out here?"

"We have orders to bring both of you in," another officer said, holding up a taser. "Come peacefully and nobody needs to get hurt."

Peter blinked. "Both of us? I'm the good guy here, you can't arrest me!"

"You're in violation of the Sokovia Accords. Come peacefully."

Spidey took a step back, the Dwarf stumbling alongside him. "Will you at least uncuff me from the guy who hates my guts?"

"And give your powers back so you can run away? I don't think so."

Spidey took another step back, and the police officer seemed to take this as a refusal because she lifted the taser and shot it at him.

The next thing Peter knew, he was waking up in the back of a police van. He tried to stretch, but quickly realised he was still cuffed to the Dwarf, who was still unconscious. He'd tested his powers wearing the cuff the night before. He was minimally sticky - not enough to hold his own weight - his spider sense was completely gone, and his powers were reduced to the point of him being no stronger than an Olympic silver medallist. And he was cuffed to a super villain.

"Great." At least they didn't take his mask off - yet.

"This is your fault," Dwarf grumbled as he woke up slowly.

"I'm not going to deny that," Peter said, swallowing as he looked around the barred interior of the van.

The Dwarf's breathing quickened as he took in their location. "I need to get out of here."

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