More Bonuses

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The last lot of these seemed to go down well so without further ado, here are some more things that never got a chapter. Enjoy :D

Deleted Scenes

From Universe cubed:

Did that mean there was another Spider-Man out there?

"Okay, say there are actually multiple spider mutants swinging around, what makes you think it's three?" If Lanky was good enough at Spider-Man research that he could figure this out, Blondie would have to start being more careful around the flat to avoid discovery.

"Well, theoretically there could be any number of them but I've run the data and the minimum has to be three."

Lanky didn't notice: he was too busy trying to decide if he'd made the right call in telling his roommates. After all, something was definitely up and he was pretty sure it involved them. Three Peter Parkers, almost identical? Pretty weird. Suddenly discovering three Spider-Men? That was a coincidence too far. The question was if he could trust them or not, were they clones or something else, and were they actually the other Spider-Men or just a trick to get him to reveal his identity?


From Hydra:

Spider was equipped with a parachute and 27 hours after being given his mission he was plummeting silently towards the 'Avengers Tower'. How dare they set up such a monument to their wealth when his bird's-eye view allowed him to see all the suffering that occurred in the very surrounding streets? When Hydra ruled, there would be no more pointless suffering. Villains like the Avengers forfeit their right to live - Spider was the judge, jury and executioner.

The rooftop grew every closer and when Spider could make out every individual piece of gravel in the flowerbeds he deployed the parachute. The landing was rough but he rolled into it as best he could and was confident nobody had seen him. From there it was easy as anything to get into the ventilation system and make his way towards where the Avengers were gathered.


From If you're nothing without the suit:

After that things went downhill very quickly. Dominion had all of Peter's powers, including his Spidey sense and reflexes. He caught the web effortlessly and used it to pull Spider-Man towards him with ease. Peter tried to fight, but his punch was pathetic and useless and when Dominion lifted Spider-Man over his shoulder Peter could do nothing but squirm as he was carried away, until a single blow from the villain's fist made the world go black.

"Good, you are alive," a jolt rattled through Peter as whatever he was sat on was kicked. "I was starting to worry. This strength of yours has taken me a while to master, it's lucky I didn't cave your skull in."

"Wha..." Peter managed intelligently as he roused himself. He had a pounding headache and everything ached. He hadn't taken this long to heal from such a simple injury in... well, forever.

"Yes, yes, welcome back." Dominion was stood over him with a smile. "The mighty Spider-Man, reduced to a mere mortal! I thought I was starting small with you but with this much power it will be easy to storm the Avengers Tower, and soon I will be unstoppable!"

Peter assessed his surroundings. He seemed to be in a living room in a fairly average apartment. His hands were tied with duct tape, easy to break. He pulled his hands apart... and they didn't budge. Of course, his powers were gone. He'd rushed into a situation, empowered a villain, and lost his own powers. Was this permanent? Were his powers gone forever?

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