Spider-Meme etc (2)

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The next day, Peter woke, feeling much better but still pretty terrible. He could move, but not quickly. Ned, who'd stayed the night, told him that the King of Wakanda had phoned Shuri and she'd had to go back to the tower. Peter ate something, redressed his own bandages, and, with Ned's help, walked into the kitchen to have breakfast. He texted Shuri a quick thank you, then winced as he went back into his room and saw the blood caked on the carpet. He'd have to get that cleaned, or at least buy a rug before May got home. 

He wondered if, given he ate enough and didn't tear the stitches, he'd be able to go out later.





"You don't even know what I'm going to ask!"

"You are not going to your Stark internship today! I don't even know how you can work for a man that does this to you!" He gestured at Peter's bandaged torso.

"It's his job, I'm not going to hold it against him! And you know how much that internship means to me," Peter gave Ned his best puppy eyes.

Ned stared. "He almost killed you, Peter."

"But he didn't so it's fine, right?"

"Oh my..."


Shuri kept her shoulders hunched and a scowl on her face as her brother berated her in front of all the Avengers. 

"-you allow that vigilante to get away, and now you go sneaking off without permission? You could have been hurt! That vigilante-"

"That vigilante has a name!" Shuri blurted defiantly. "He's a person and he has a name and you - all of you - almost killed him!"


"Where did you go you, princess?" Natasha Romanoff asked quietly. 


"Give me your phone," T'Challa said suddenly.




"Tell us where you were."

Shuri froze. If she didn't tell them, they could easily take her phone, then they'd have Spider-Man's number and address, then he and Ned and whoever he lived with would be in danger.

"Fine," she muttered. "Somehow he got my number, and he contacted me, asking for help. I couldn't just let him bleed to death."

T'Challa all but exploded. "You did what?! It might have been a trap, he could have killed you!"

"You almost killed him! If I hadn't gone, he would have died! I can defend myself, but do you really think he would hurt me after being so careful to only defend when he fought you? I think if he wanted to hurt you, he would have done!" She heard heard Wakandan accent thicken, but she didn't much care.

"Do you know his identity?" Captain America asked her gently, like she was some dumb animal or frightened child. 

"I wouldn't tell you if I did," she answered angrily, not able to clear her mind of the blood-soaked carpet.

"Look, we're only chasing him because he refuses to give us his name. If we knew who he was, we could stop."

"He kept his mask on," Shuri said truthfully. "I don't know his identity." That wasn't exactly a lie, per say. She only knew his first name, and even that was common enough. "Have you ever tried talking to him? Trying to find a compromise? He seemed nice, when he wasn't screaming at every breath." To her endless satisfaction, some of the Avengers looked down guiltily.

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