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Contains Nwh spoilers


"Hi Pepper, it's Happy. I'm really sorry, but - yeah May, I'll be there in a sec, I just need to - Pep, something's come up in my personal life. I might be late to pick up Morgan, sorry."


"I don't know if you've seen the news, but things are pretty bad over here. I'm going to stay with the kid, so I won't be able to pick up Morgan, I'm really sorry - no wait don't - I have to go-"


"Just letting you know I won't be responding to calls in the next few hours, I'm being taken in for questioning about the whole Peter-is-Spider-Man thing. Hope you and Morgs are okay."


"Pepper, call me back as soon as you listen to these. I think Peter's going to be okay, but they're talking about pressing charges against the company. I know SI have lawyers but I just met a really good one who's offering to help. Let me know what you want me to do?"


"Not sure you're actually getting any of these, but if you are I just want to let you know I've got Peter and his aunt holed up in my apartment. Just thought you'd like to know they were safe so you didn't have to worry, and I know you have access to the doorbell camera so if you saw anything... well, yeah. Just letting you know. Okay, bye."


"She gone. Pep, she's gone and he's run and I don't know where he is and she's gone, Pepper. I- I don't even know why I'm calling you. I- I'm sorry."


Pepper sighed in relief as the power on screen flashed on her phone. She'd just got it back from the repair shop, who'd had it for weeks. Obviously she'd gotten a replacement to conduct business whilst her personal phone was out of order, but there was information on this one she hadn't wanted to lose. She really needed to back it up.

The loading sequence finished when Pepper was halfway back to her car, and she only glanced briefly at the hundreds of notifications from the past few weeks before pulling back onto the road. She was late for a business meeting.

The meeting was long, and dull, and the last place Pepper wanted to be, but it was important she kept up appearances after the near miss Stark Industries had with the Spider-Man thing. There had been very little she could do when the news came out that Peter was Spider-Man, other than provide an official report about EDITH's functions and offer to pay for their lawyer. She'd barely even met Peter, but she knew how much he'd meant to Tony so she'd kept an eye on him these past months. This morning's news had mentioned Spider-Man fighting some kind of supervillain and Pepper desperately wanted to know more and be helping him rather than stuck in this stuffy meeting room, but she'd learnt from Tony long ago that she was better staying away from that side of the superhero life.

Instead, when they took a ten minute break, Pepper scrolled through her notifications and scribbled down some things to prioritise. Most of them were out of date by now, but there were some important-looking emails and some texts from friends that she needed to answer, not to mention the staggering number of voicemails. She went through those quickly as well, noting six from Happy. He would call about anything and everything, but six voicemails was more than his usual and it could be important, so she wrote that towards the end of her list. She had to reply to the business correspondence first, but she might get around to listening to the voicemails some time tomorrow.

She didn't.

Meetings blurred together, another court case came up, Morgan got the stomach bug and before Pepper knew it it had been another week. Finally she got her little girl to go to sleep, then took a look at the list she'd written. The next item was 'Happy's voicemails. (6, really?)', followed by 'call Paul back but if this is about that cat again I SWEAR-'. Pepper smiled, remembering how she'd taken out her frustration at the day's meetings on her list, adding witty or sarcastic comments to each line.

Anyway, Happy's voicemails.

Pepper opened the app and scrolled through about a dozen voicemails. Then again. There were none from Happy, but she definitely remembered seeing them earlier. She'd even written them down. Pepper groaned - it had to be another bug. After the amount she'd paid the repair company, she'd at least expected them to do a decent job. Sighed, she hit the call button.

"Pepper, is everything okay?"

"Busy but fine. I'm just calling because I noticed you left some voicemails a weeks or so ago, but my phone glitched out and I can't access them. I just wanted to check everything's okay?"

"I don't remember sending you any voicemails?" Happy sounded genuinely puzzled. "I've been pretty caught up in personal stuff recently. I, um, I lost someone quite close to me."

"Oh, Happy, I'm so sorry. Sorry to bother you. I was so sure there were voicemails from you - six of them - but I was having a long day so I might just be making things up, you know how it is."

"Perfectly understandable. Make sure to take a break now and then, okay? Tell me if you need anything."

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm fine. You're the one who's grieving. If you need anything, anything at all, call me, okay?"

"I will do. Thanks, Pepper."

"It's no problem. See you, Happy."


Pepper put down the phone with a confused sigh. She'd been so sure... But no, it was just the stress of the last month catching up to her (although she was entirely sure what, exactly, she'd been stressed about? The lawyers had that Spider-Man court case easily handled and meeting were annoying but never really upsetting, so what had she been so worried about?). She needed sleep.

Everything was fine.

Would you guys be interested in reading some deleted scenes/ oneshots that were too short to make the cut/ really short bonus scenes for previous oneshots?

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