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I resisted this trope for so long, guys. So long.

Spider's earliest memory was of May - his aunt, apparently - betraying him. He had powers. Apparently that was unusual, and she had told others about him. Hydra had saved him.

That's what Agent B said. And Agent B was the one who brought him food, who released him from the machines, who told him things about before Spider could remember and kept him up to date with the occurrences of the dangerous outside world. Agent B was the one who let him keep track of time and told him it had been seven years since he'd been rescued after his Aunt attempted to sell him to the highest bidder, and that he was now fourteen. 

"You're a man, now," Agent B had told him gently. "You're ready for your first mission. You've trained enough."

Spider perked up at the mention of a mission. Hydra were the good guys in a sea of evil, and their agents were the heroes sent out to cure the world of corruption and villainy. That meant it was an honour for Spider to be chosen to crouch here in a compromised safehouse, waiting for the worst of them all - the Avengers.

Agent B believed in him. Spider had trained for years and the experiments, however much they hurt, had honed his already-extraordinary powers into the perfect weapon against the forces of darkness. He was unstoppable, and he'd been drilled in the weaknesses of all the Avengers. 

"Most importantly," Agent B had told him, "don't listen to anything they say. They will try to trick you into thinking they are the good guys. Remember it is all lies."

"All lies," Spider repeated obediently. That earned him extra supper. He bet the Avengers wouldn't give him extra supper.

They were here - Iron Man and Black Widow and Captain America, the biggest villains in the world. And Spider had the honour of stopping them.

"It's a trap," Black Widow realised as she broke open the empty safe. Before the others could respond Spider was on them, his uniform concealing his face as he bore down on the villains. 

Iron Man crashed backwards into a wall and Spider wanted to make a joke but Agent B had told him that was unprofessional. Instead he fought in silence and revelled in the unprofessionalism of the Avengers yelling contradicting instructions at each other. Hawkeye was outside; Spider could hear the man moving. 

Captain America threw his shield and Spider caught it, spun and launched it back at the soldier in a move he'd practiced over and over in preparation for this moment. It was meant to slice right through the enemy's neck but Captain America ducked just in time and the shield slammed into Iron Man's chest, knocking him a step back with a grunt. 

Black Widow came at him next and he flipped onto the ceiling to throw her off guard before dropping onto her shoulders and gripping either side of her head. He would have snapped her spine but he had to abandon his position to avoid an arrow that came through the window courtesy of Hawkeye. He wasn't afraid to give his life for the cause but he wanted to take them all with him first.

"Retreat!" Captain America yelled after recovering his shield. Spider shot webs he'd designed himself (that had earned him a much bigger room) to cover the doorway but Iron Man just blasted through a wall and Spider had to hide from the barrage of arrows Hawkeye sent to cover their cowardly escape. He hissed and wove through the attack to pursue, but a repulser shot from Iron Man got past his defences, caught him in the chest and knocked him over just long enough for the Avengers to get into a jet and make their getaway. 

His first mission: failed.

"You're very lucky," Agent B told him. The agent had been much less friendly since Spider had returned, humiliated. He was lucky he was deemed worthy of speaking to at all. He was a failure. He had nobody to blame but himself, of course. He had failed despite all of the time and resources Hydra had dedicated to training him. He was lucky, of course he was. He was still alive. "You are being given a second chance."

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