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Spider-Man jumped out of the window and shot a web at the next building, beginning to swing speedily towards his destination.


He'd just spent the evening helping a lady who'd had a stroke get to the hospital. She was okay now, but Peter wouldn't be if he didn't hurry up.


May had let him go out on patrol earlier only on the condition that he would be home to celebrate the new year with her.


He swung faster as he heard the residents of the city yelling out their countdown. Not stressful at all.


He definitely wasn't going to make it home on time, but there was about to be a bigger problem.


The New York fireworks were legendary. It was tradition for him to stand at the window with his aunt and watch the first ones go off.


It was a spectacle, but one that Peter really didn't want to be experiencing up close.


If he didn't find somewhere to land soon, he might not make it very far into the new year at all.


The rooftops and streets that were usually his haven were now packed with spectators for the upcoming show.


A show that it looked like he was going to be a part of, like it or not.

"Happy New Year!" The end of the countdown was almost drowned out by the whooping of hundreds of fireworks taking to the skies. The air became a war zone and now Peter was weaving an erratic path through the rockets that seemed to come at him from every direction. The first ones exploded and the bangs made him flinch, missing his mark and falling a few feet until he could latch onto another building. The people all around cheered and whooped, thinking it was all part of the show as he backflipped over a screaming missile. Lights dazzled as a firework exploded just metres away from him and his senses were going wild, lights strobing and people applauding and singing and danger, danger, danger.

Well, at least the year couldn't get any worse.

Peter managed to shoot another web and slingshot himself through the night, not getting hit by sheer luck. His eyes were clamped closed and he curled himself into a ball just as his body impacted and there was the sound of breaking glass. The sounds and terror faded and he slowly rolled into a fighting stance as he assessed his surroundings.

He was in a dark room with coloured lights flashing and loud music playing and the smell of alcohol in the air. Usually that really would have messed with his senses but now it was almost a relief. The next thing he focused on were the people - specifically the one pushing his way forwards through the crowd.

"Are you okay?" The man asked in a very familiar voice. Spider-Man realised it was Captain America, dressed in a black suit and holding a champagne flute. When he noticed Spidey's defensive stance he stiffened. "Why are you here?"

Peter stared back, frozen. No way he'd just crashed the Avengers' new year party. But as he looked around the room he saw more and more familiar faces. He knew they'd made up now but the last time he saw half of these people, they were all trying to kill each other.

Tony pushed his way free as well. "Spidey?"

Peter swallowed and stood up quickly. "U-um, hi Mr Stark. I'm really sorry, I was on my way home when the fireworks started going off and I accidentally broke your window. Um, I'll just go now-"

"Calm down," Steve said, and looked out of the window at the explosive flowers blooming in the sky. "There's no way you're going back out in that."

"Is that Spider-Man?" Hawkeye was there now, holding out a glass. "Join the party, man! Champagne?"

Peter laughed nervously and intervened before Tony could say anything. "No thanks. I try not to drink and swing."

"Glad to hear it," Tony muttered under his breath as Clint lowered the champagne flute. "Are you injured?"

"Just some minor cuts. Sorry about the window."

"Don't worry about it. I like some excitement at my parties."

Peter glanced back out of the no-longer-window. From a distance, the fireworks this year were amazing. He'd never appreciated them from this high up before.

"Come on, join the party," Steve smiled easily. "You can leave when the fireworks end."

Peter sighed. It wasn't like he had much of a choice. He sent a text to May apologising profusely and letting her know he was okay, and then he joined the crowd, who were munching on canapés and swaying along to some Christmas songs. He felt out of place in his spandex among the black-tie guests, but everybody had a friendly smile for him and he found himself enjoying the atmosphere. The canapés were really good.

An hour later the fireworks had stopped completely. Only the lone rocket shot through the sky occasionally from somebody's ambitious garden party.

"I'd better get going," Spidey extracted himself from the Super Smash Bros tournament and waved at everybody. "Thanks for having me, and sorry again for the window!"

"This isn't over!" Clint yelled, pointing at the screen where Peter had been beating him. "Swing by again soon or I'll hunt you down myself!"

"Okay!" Peter laughed. "See you!"

May was annoyed at Peter the next morning but not as mad as he'd expected. She'd gone next door and celebrated the occasion with their neighbours and had an altogether good time.

Peter smiled as he lay in bed, wondering when to take up the offer to visit the Avengers again.

It was a great start to what he knew would be a great year.

A/N: I'M BACK! Happy New Year everybody and welcome to 2022! I want to say a quick thanks to everybody for being so supportive and understanding during my hiatus and I've got lots of new chapters on their way to make up for my absence including the one you've all been waiting for (group chat 4) :D

Who's been to see NWH? *raises hand and screams* Please can we keep spoilers out of the comments until everybody's had a chance to see it? I won't be posting any content based off it until at least February and then it'll be thoroughly labelled with spoiler warnings :)

Anyway that's it have a great year everyone see you in the next chapter!

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