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A shiver of suspense runs through Peter as his hand makes contact with the door to his room. He pushes it open warily, not knowing what to expect from this warning. Maybe an alien attack, a wounded vigilante, a journalist who figured out his identity.

It is none of those things. Instead, a boy? Man? Person? in front of Peter's games console, sat on a lime green beanbag that wasn't there this morning, is playing a game Peter doesn't even own. The person sends a disinterested glance in Peter's direction, gives him a little nod, and continues playing.

"Wha-" Peter's mind finishes processing the bizarre image and he realises he recognises this person. After all, the alien/god had been all over the news just a few years ago. "Loki?"

The name is a strangled yell. Sure, Peter doesn't feel like he's in immediate danger but every New Yorker knows how much of a threat Thor's brother is. And he's in Peter's room?!?

"Shhhh," the god holds a finger to his lips without looking away from the game. There is another player onscreen, and Peter belatedly realises they're talking. He can hear the staticky voice through the headphones - headphones - Loki is wearing.

"Listen buddy, if you don't log off this game immediately I am going to fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt!" The other player threatens.

Loki just smirks, then opens his mouth and does a startlingly accurate impression of a 10 year old boy whimpering, then calling out: "Dad! Dad, the game people are being mean again!"

"Oh that's right, yes, go cry to your father, you little weasel!" The other player crows triumphantly. Peter is beyond confused.

Loki's smile broadens. It's mischievous and sly and all the things Peter would expect from the leader of the Chitauri invasion, but also, maybe, just a little bit sad.

Then, between one blink and the next, Loki is gone from Peter's room. The console is powered off, the intruder has vanished, the headphones are back where he'd left them and the only piece of evidence that stops Peter convincing himself he hallucinated the whole thing is the god-shaped imprint in the lime-green beanbag.

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