Spidey's... girlfriend???

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"So what are the Avengers like?" MJ asked as she licked her ice cream. Peter shrugged.

"They're a bunch of children. I swear I'm the most mature of the lot."

"That bad, huh?" She nudged him. "When do I get to meet them?"

"Meet- huh?"

"Yep, meet them. When?" She raised an eyebrow. "Do they even know I exist?"

"About that..."



"Take me on a date to the Avengers tower."

"But they don't know my identity, I can't just-"

"You'll figure out a way." MJ crunched down the last of her cone and walked away. Peter stared after her helplessly.

The next day, Peter was at the tower again. Mr Stark and the others kept inviting him over after one time he was injured just outside and had to stay the night recovering, and he didn't know how to say no. So now he visited pretty regularly two or three times a week. They'd even started leaving the window open for him, so he didn't have to knock anymore.

"Hey Spidey," Natasha greeted from a beanbag. 

"Hi Nat!" Peter waved back. "How's your day been so far?"

"It just got a whole lot more cheerful," the assassin smiled warmly at the vigilante.

The other Avengers awwwed, and Steve threw an apple at Peter. He caught it, and pulled up his mask to take a bite. "Thank you Mr Rogers!"

"How come she gets to be Nat and we're stuck with Mr?" Clint complained.

"Because she's cool," Spidey grinned at them with his exposed mouth.

"It's because she's scary, isn't it."

Peter stuck his tongue out. "That too."

"Hey science bro," Mr Stark walked in. "Fri told me you'd arrived."

"Hey Mr Stark!" Peter waved.

"Why are you nervous?" Natasha asked suddenly. Peter jumped, startled.

"Me? Nervous? Wh-what do you mean?" He rubbed the back of his neck and shuffled his feet, pulling his mask back down to cover his guilty expression.

Natasha narrowed her eyes at him. "Spit it out."

Peter sighed. Better out than in, right?

"Um, well, my girlfriend kinda sorta wants to meet you guys."

Everybody blinked.

"Spidey has a girlfriend?" Clint whispered loudly. Peter shrank into himself, cringing.

"The baby's innocence has been tarnished!" Mr Stark wailed dramatically.

"Ew, no Mr Stark, we haven't-"

"What's she like? When are you bringing her over?"

"Guys, please-"

"Everyone shut up!" Natasha said. Everybody shut up. "Thank you. Spidey, I think we'd all be fine with you bringing over your girlfriend anytime. I look forward to meeting her."

Pepper, who was walking by, stuck her head through the door. "Spidey has a girlfriend?!" 

Peter spent the next few days trying in vain to work out a way of getting MJ into the tower without exposing his own identity. A day before MJ had agreed to come with him, he despaired and bought a Spider-Man costume from a Halloween dress-up store. He ditched the main costume but kept the lycra mask. It looked pretty decent, and the silver fabric mesh over the eyes hid the whole face well enough. Peter hacked a hole in the back of the mask for MJ's hair to go through, and had it ready about ten seconds before she rang his doorbell.

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