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There was that one teacher in school who was really strict, especially when it came to mobile phones. If anybody's phone rang in his class, he made them answer it on speaker as punishment. And then confiscated it, of course.

You probably think you know where this is going.

You don't.

Peter's luck, however, is about as awful as expected. So far only one person had had to answer her phone in the class, and the second hand embarrassment was enough for all the students to ensure their phones were permanently on silent.

Unfortunately, Peter didn't have that luxury. As a superhero and an unofficial Avenger, he needed to know if he was needed - which meant always having his notifications on, and the volume high enough to hear.

Everybody's head snapped in Peter's direction a moment before he registered the ringing coming from his pocket.

"You know the rules, Peter. Answer it on speaker," the teacher demanded.

The class waited with baited breath as Peter pulled the phone slowly from his jacket, a condemned man. They didn't blink as he looked at the contact, sealing his doom. His finger rose, trembling, to the phone screen...

And he hung up.

"Peter!" The teacher snapped, but Peter ignored him and slipped the phone back into his pocket. It had been Sam calling, and Peter knew that if he was really needed it would be one of the others. "Hand over your phone this instant."

Peter stood up and did as he was told, but he powered it off before he gave it to him. After all, the nosy man would probably try and see who'd called given half a chance. This only seemed to rile the teacher up further. "Detention!"

Trying not to draw more attention to himself, Peter nodded and sat back down. The teacher finally resumed his lesson, but the words blurred around Peter. It was stupid, really. He'd fought criminals and snuck out of school and technically broken the law with his vigilante-ism. But he'd never been given a detention before, and to have one handed out so easily, and so unfairly, stung more than expected.

Clearly Peter wasn't the only one surprised at his receiving a detention. When Peter walked into the assigned classroom after school, the rowdy group went silent, gawking at the nerd as he took the walk of shame to an empty desk. Slowly, the chatter resumed.

Detention passed tediously but wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. Still, Peter was relieved when it ended and he could retrieve his phone and head home.

"And just where have you been, young man?" Tony demanded when Spider-Man swung into the common area through a window which had been left open for that purpose.

"Patrol," Peter replied. Tony believed him.

A week passed, and Parker luck struck again. His phone vibrated noisily - slap-bang in the middle of the strict teacher's class. He frowned.

"Mr Parker, answer your phone."

Peter pulled it out and looked at the screen in annoyance. This time it was Pepper.

Peter answered the call.

"Hello?" He brought the phone up to his ear, and the teacher made a noise of anger.

Pepper replied. "Hi Peter, I know you're in school and I'm sorry for interrupting but I need help. Do you know where Tony left the files for that trade agreement with Sokovia?"

"Last I saw them they were in thew third drawer down on the back worktop."

"Oh, no wonder I couldn't find them. Thanks a lot, and I'm really sorry if you get into trouble for this. See you later."

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