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All the Avengers, including Peter, were in the tower the fateful day that Thor came back to Midgard.

They were eating lunch together outside when the magical rainbow thingy - as Peter had dubbed it - slammed into the ground right in front of them.

"Thor," Bruce commented.

But when the smoke cleared, it wasn't just Thor stood on the grass, but a slightly shorter, skinnier man with greasy dark hair and pale skin.

"SnApE!" Yelled Peter, just as the rest of the team yelled,


"Thor, why is HE here?" Tony spluttered, lovingly prepared sandwich falling out of his hands.

"HE can speak for himself," Snape - sorry, lOkI - drawled.

"My brother has come to see Midgard," Thor announced loudly. "He has promised to behave, and I trust him."

"You trust him? Is this the same god of lies that stabbed you?"

"I believe that Loki has changed. As we all know, he was mind controlled when he destroyed New York."

"And that makes it okay?!"

Loki rolled his eyes. "Brother, you did not tell me how cold Middengard is. Can we go inside?"

Tony spluttered. "You want me to invite him into my compound?"

"Oh, I don't need an invitation," Loki said, breezing past. Tony fumed.

Peter followed everyone inside, perplexed. Why was everyone being so cold towards the god? Sure, he'd led an alien invasion, but forgive and forget, right?

Loki and Thor planned to stay for the week. It was the school holiday, so Peter was staying at the compound as well.

On the first day, ground rules were put in place:

1) Loki was not allowed to use magic. Special bracelets were put on him that ensured this.

2) Loki was not allowed to leave the compound. At all. Ever. FRIDAY had been instructed to put the place in lockdown if he even attempted it.

3) Loki was not allowed to be alone at any time. At least one other member of the team had to stay with him at all times. The Avengers established a rota of who had to spend time with him when, and he shared a room with Thor so he could keep an eye on his brother overnight.

Frankly, Peter thought it was all ridiculous. Due to his age and the fact that he was a lovable cinnamon roll, Tony insisted that Peter shouldn't be on the rota. Despite this, Peter went out of his way to spend time with the god, finding him fascinating.

Everyone avoided Loki as much as possible, and only spent time with him grudgingly when they absolutely had to. When they spoke to him, if they ever did, they were distant and cold.

But not Peter. Peter was always nice to Loki, and the god came to look forward to the teen's visits. He would ask questions about Asgard, and seemed intrigued by the stories he told. Loki wished he could use his magic, if only to see the child's eyes light up when he used it.

One day when Loki mentioned feeling cooped up, Peter ran off to convince Tony to let him take Loki for a walk through the garden. When he felt stifled by his godsitter, Peter could always tell, and would kindly tell the team member on duty that he could spend some time with Loki if they wanted to do something else. There was usually a hesitation, when Loki could see them wondering if it was safe to leave the child alone with him, but their reluctance to be around him always won over, and they would leave the pair alone.

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