Field Trip

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So this is my attempt at a 'clique field trip', as requested by @iamlabdhi , because what would a one shot book be without one? Enjoy!

"-a tour of Stark Tower!" Mr Harrington announced the latest Decathlon prize/field trip.

Peter sighed. Why? Why him, why now, why there?

A week later, because reasons, he was getting on the bus. He hadn't tried to get out of the trip, knowing it would only draw attention to him. Besides, what could go wrong? 

He knew he would regret even thinking this, but none of the avengers, save Iron Man of course, knew his civilian identity, and no way they would actually get to see Mr Stark. As long as Ned stayed quiet, Peter didn't attract attention, and Flash didn't check whether Peter's supposed internship was actually real, nothing could go wrong.

Peter realised that that was a long list of things that could go wrong. Knowing his luck, that was probably a very apt start to the day.

They arrived at Stark Tower, Mr Harrington did another head count, then they headed into the reception area. They met their tour guide, Tilly, who gave them an introduction to the Tower and what they would be seeing. 

First stop was the intern labs, and everybody - Peter included - was too busy being in awe to remember about Peter's 'Stark Internship'.

Next was the 'Avengers' Museum', which to Peter looked like a fancy storeroom for the stuff the Avengers didn't want anymore but couldn't bring themselves to throw away. Peter was browsing in fascination through the old iron man suits when Flash yelled to his friends to come see, earning a shh from the tour guide.

Peter noticed them go to the corner, and once they lost interest he drifted over to see what the fuss was about. To his surprise, there was a glass case with his old suit in it, and an information plaque titled: Spider-Man.

Peter leaned closer to see the information, and had to bite back a grin at the obviously sarcastic labels. Like the other Avengers, it had a short intro followed by some quick fire facts.

SPIDER-MAN: Although he turned down the offer to become an Avenger in favour of 'sticking up for the little guy', the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man has helped the Avengers on several occasions.

Name: Unknown

Alias: Spider-Man

Age: Unknown

DoB: Unknown

Appearance: Unknown

Favourite food: Unknown

Family: Unknown

Benchpress weight: Unknown

Mario Kart Highscore: Unknown

Someone had graffitied on the plaque, having drawn a * next to every unknown and scribbled at the bottom:

*apart from Stark, who knows but refuses to even tell his team

In different handwriting:

Clint, we talked about this!

What, Spidey's identity? Because I don't remember that conversation.

No, defiling the museum

It's not my fault my MK score was wrong! Now tellllll meeeee

You're a super spy, if you can't figure it out then you don't deserve to know.

Peter laughed to himself as he finished reading. Only May, Tony, and Ned knew his secret, and he  intended for it to stay that way.

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