The Spider (2)

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The Spider did a flip in the dying light as he swung away from Stark Tower, where he'd web-graffitied the billionaire's sign with some choice words of his own. He passed over one of his favourite haunts, and a smile grew on his lips as he saw a group of teenagers stroll unknowingly into his territory. He dropped silently down in front of them.

The boy in the lead didn't even notice until he'd walked straight into the Spider. His eyes went wide, and he backed away, mouth falling open as he searched for words that wouldn't save him.

"The Spider," one of the other two teens whispered, and Peter's grin only grew as he finally registered their faces. Jason, Brad and Flash Thompson. His day couldn't possibly get any better.

As a child, Peter had been bullied daily by Flash and his goons. When he'd gotten his powers and a whole ton of confidence, he'd warned them off and now they mostly stayed out of his way. Peter had forgotten them. But the Spider did not forgive so easily.

With two quiet thwips, Jason and Brad were pinned to the stained alley walls, mouths covered. Their muffled shrieks wouldn't be answered, anyway. None of the residents of this area were stupid enough to be out after dark.

Flash stumbled backwards. "Pl-please don't hurt me," he whimpered. The Spider tilted his head, letting his spider instincts take over as he crept forwards.

"Why shouldn't I?" He hissed, voice distorter making the otherworldly voice echo around the alley. "You've walked right into my web, after all."

"Please," Flash sobbed. "Do you want my money? Here, you can have it! Take it! Please, don't- don't kill me!" Flash threw his wallet on the floor, still retreating. The Spider stepped on it as he advanced, until Flash was pinned against a wall.

"I don't need your money, little boy."

"Wh-what do you..." Flash trailed off, gulping, as the Spider pressed closer.

"I want your fear," the Spider answered Flash's unfinished question. The smell of urine filled Peter's enhanced senses. "I want-"

"Stop!" The Spider froze, and Flash sagged in relief as repulsers sounded. The villain whipped around.

"What do you want?" He asked, tone switching unnaturally from intimidating to sulky in an attempt to further unnerve his victims. "I'm in the middle of something here. Fly home to your mommy, Iron Lad."

"Leave the civilians alone."

"What did they ever do for you to deserve saving?" The Spider retorted as he stepped away from Flash. The bully tried to run, but the Spider shot a web at his feet, causing him to trip and land on his face with an oomph. Iron Lad half-turned like he wanted to help the boy, but didn't dare look away from the Spider. Peter had taught him the hard way that half a second was all he need to disappear into the shadows - or launch an attack.

On the walls, Brad and Jason squirmed.

"Everybody deserves saving," Iron Lad replied eventually.

The Spider just laughed, the sound coming out as a guttural hiss. "Fine. Enjoy saving them, then."

Before Iron Lad could react, the Spider launched three webs. One hit Brad's face, covering his mouth and nose so he started suffocating. Another landed on Jason, causing him to spasm in silent agony as electricity coursed through him. As Iron Lad rushed to help them, the third web delivered Flash's wallet into the Spider's hand and he slung himself away, sprinting over the moonlit rooftops to escape before Iron Lad finished dealing with his victims.

He ditched the wallet, keeping the cash only - and there was more than enough of that. He'd heard Flash bragging only earlier that week how he'd bought a fancy wallet with an embedded tracker in case it ever got stolen. For laughs, Peter put a post-it in the wallet where he'd left it lying in a muddy puddle, empty, credit card snapped. Please return to one Eugene 'Flash' Thompson. Sorry about your wallet, thanks for the money. Regards, your friendly neighbourhood Spider =)

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