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I'm finally giving in to the trope... or am I?... Thanks to BreKitten_Meow for the request, enjoy!  (PS putting dates in the US format hurt my brain so much so you'd all better appreciate this)


"-someday, for sure! Ned, it's so cool here. The view from the kitchen- What? No, the fridge can't talk. I think. Um, excuse me, Fridge, can you talk?" A pause. Peter stands in front of the fridge, eyeing it suspiciously. "It's not replying. Further experimentation required to confirm outcome." He laughs, tipping his head to the side to hold his phone against his shoulder as he opens the fridge and takes something out. The angle of the camera means it isn't clear what he's eating. "Hey," he says around a mouthful, "maybe we can run more tests when you come round. I'll talk to Mr Stark about it later, I swear. FRIDAY, can you remind me about that?"


Cue speech to subject Peter Parker at 12:00:00 [or when convenient]: Peter, remember to speak to 'Mr Stark' about letting 'Ned' visit.


"Of course, Peter."

"Thanks, FRI. But seriously, Ned, you should have seen the amount of leftovers they had after the new year, like I'm glad I spent it with May and all but seriously they must have had a feast fit for gods-" A laugh "... yeah, yeah, I know. Only one, though, and Mr Stark said he wasn't even there." A pause, another short laugh. Peter turns and wanders across the room, lingering to admire the view from the floor to ceiling windows, and disposes of the wrapper from his food. "Yes, absolutely. I completely get you. Hm? Oh, that's fine man, see you later. Bye!" He pulls the phone away from his ear and puts it into his pocket. Giving the fridge another suspicious glance, he leaves the kitchen.


"Peter, remember to speak Mr Stark about letting Ned visit."

"Hm?" Peter looks up from the workbench where he is hunched over the mask of the Spider-Man suit, inspecting the soldering he'd just finished. "Oh, right. Thanks FRIDAY, I'll go down in a sec. I just want to finish one more thing..."


The clear sky turns suddenly cloudy and a bolt of lightning strikes the centre of the helipad. When the glare from the flash fades, a runic circle is scorched into the concrete and a god wearing a red cape and holding a war hammer is stood there. He takes a moment to admire the precision of the bifrost's landing in the circle and then strides to the door which leads to the staircase inside. His cloak billows then he is gone.


New entry: 01/08/23_12:25:14 / THOR ODINSON / RoofStairwell / Entering


The sitting area is in use. Natasha is typing something on a chunky, old-looking laptop which Tony is eyeing with disdain. Steve is playing solitaire. Clint and Bucky are playing a video game on the large hologram in the centre of the room. Bucky is handling the controls very delicately with his metal hand so his reactions are slowed. Clint throws his arms in the air and whoops as he wins the game. Bucky huffs. "Another win for me!" Clint crows. "FRI, you got that?"


Command: scoretable[3,5]+=1


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