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Peter had regrets. Many, many regrets.

It was only meant to be a joke. Heh. 

The new villain had appeared a while ago. Her sole purpose was to unmask Peter, and he would just avoid her - she wasn't causing any damage to anyone but him - but she kept deliberately getting herself attacked by street-level thugs, and Peter rarely realised it was her until she was thanking him and trying to yank off his mask. 

A scream broke the air, and Spidey raced over the rooftops to where a teenage boy was struggling against the arms of his kidnapper. Peter webbed the kidnapper's face, sending them stumbling back, and tied them up. 

"Are you okay?" He asked the boy, moving closer. He was wearing a hood, and it was only when he looked up that Peter realised it was actually a girl. He jerked his head away as she lunged for his mask, and leapt up to perch halfway up a wall.

"Hey! You've got to stop this. Someday I won't get here in time. Besides even if you do get it off, you might not like what you see," he said with a wink to balance out the gravity of his first warning.

The girl said nothing, running out of the alleyway instead. He didn't follow her - she'd done nothing illegal so he couldn't attack her. Instead, he dealt with the confused kidnapper and continued with patrol.

The next time was almost a week later. A criminal gang Peter had been tracking were surrounding a trembling old lady. 

"Hey!" Peter yelled, shooting webs at the lady and pulling her gently into the air, leaving her on the fire escape as he leapt into the road and took on the several thugs. It was a hard fight, especially after a long day of dealing with Flash's nonsense, so he relaxed a little as he swung back to the victim. "Sorry about that, ma'am." He put an arm around her waist and lowered them both slowly down to the ground. Halfway, the lady began wriggling, and reached for his mask. He couldn't stop her without dropping her - one hand was around her and the other holding the web supporting them both - as she tugged his mask clean off. 

"Hey!" He yelled, dropping the web when they got close enough to the ground for him to absorb the impact safely, and pushed her away, stumbling a little. She looked at his face, wide-eyed, straightening her pretend stoop as she staggered back. 

"H-how many of these do you have?" she demanded, holding up the mask she'd pulled off - his spare one, that he'd worn over the top in case. Just as well, it seemed. It was the first time he'd heard her speak, and her voice was small but firm.

"What, so you know how many times to put your life in danger?" He checked his actual mask was secure. After the first near-miss when she'd almost tugged it right off, he'd started wearing two masks as a precaution. But this really was the only one left. "You really have to stop this. You're going to get one of us killed, and if you try this again I will issue a restraining order for harassment." She flinched a little at his tone, then held up his spare mask. 

"I'm sorry. Here, have it back. I'll stop, you're right." She stepped forwards, and he met her halfway, reaching for the fabric. Instead of handing it over, she dropped it and lunged for him, legs wrapping around his torso as she scrabbled at the seal at his neck, momentum sending them both crashing into the wall.

"Hey-ow! - stop it!" He yelped, trying to get his hands up to push her off without hurting her. She tugged at his last mask, and he closed his eyes.

But he'd been expecting the attack, and had used his powers to stick himself to the inside of his mask. So when she pulled, nothing happened apart from his skin tugging where it was attached.

"Ow!" he cried out as she yanked it. "Stop! That hurts!" Her nail had piercing something at the back of his mask, causing the interrogation mode voice filter to flash on. "Get off!" He shoved her away instinctively, the sensitive skin on his face complaining too loudly. She flew across the alley, slamming into the opposite wall. Peter blinked at the retina control in his mask, de-activating interrogation mode as he realised what he'd done. "Oh my- are you okay?" He felt his lenses open as wide as they would go to convey his horror.

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