(USM) Hostages

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In this AU the whole team still goes to Midtown, set before the end of Season 3. Sorry if you haven't watched USM, I'll make it up to you soon :)

Peter sighed as the lesson continued to drag on. He didn't understand why they still had to do normal school when they could be getting real SHIELD training, but Fury had insisted. Across the room, the other Ultimates clearly felt the same. Sam was yawning, Luke was tapping his foot, Ava was fiddling with her hair and even Danny's eyelids were drooping, one hand propped on his chin. 

Closer to Peter, the other members of his new team were faring no better, but he couldn't sympathise with them because they didn't know his identity and therefore didn't know that he knew theirs. Flash looked bored out of his mind, and Amadeus Cho was muttering and writing something down that looked way too complicated to be lesson notes. Alex was the only one of his team that didn't have to attend school due to the whole being-a-rhino thing.

It was quite funny, actually. Whilst Peter had made his peace with Iron Spider, Amadeus didn't know that their rivalry was over, so he and Peter didn't talk much, whereas Flash had started spending more time with Peter and Harry anyway.

Suddenly, the room was plunged into darkness. Peter was too shocked to do something as he felt himself being grabbed and pulled out of the classroom, because for some reason his Spidey sense hadn't gone off? From the screams, he could tell he wasn't the only one, so he hoped that meant he wasn't actually in danger. Maybe this was a prank. A really weird, complicated and not-very-funny prank. Yeah, it probably wasn't a prank.

Peter had only just begun to struggle when he stopped moving, heard a door lock and then the lights came back on, blinding him. He shielded his face and when his vision returned, he saw that he was in a room with Amadeus and Flash.

 "What in the..." Flash muttered, rubbing his eyes. Amadeus just looked annoyed. "Amadeus?" Flash asked, spotting the other boy. "What's going on? Is this about-"

"Shut up!" the younger boy hissed, looking pointedly at Peter, who pretended he hadn't noticed and hid a smile at the hopelessness of his teammates.

"What do you think's happening?" Peter asked, doing his best to not sound like Spider-Man. Before either Amadeus or Flash could reply, a voice came over the loudspeakers. 

"Attention all students! Your school is under attack! Get on your phones, tell the world! Don't worry, you won't be harmed, Spider-Man will come to save you!"

Peter stifled a groan. Taskmaster. He thought that the weird evil skull dude had finally given up on capturing him, but apparently he was wrong.

"There's no cameras in here, we could..."

"No!" Amadeus snapped. He didn't even have his suit with him, Peter noticed. Of course, Venom was bonded to Flash so he could change at any moment, and Peter was wearing his suit under his clothes. Oh well, he needed to tell them at some point and this was as good a moment as any. But first, he was going to have some fun.

"Hey, maybe we could try to get out through the vents," Peter suggested, pointing at the sealed grill near the ceiling.

"Are you insane?" Amadeus asked. "We're not in danger, it's safer to stay here until Spider-Man comes."

"And what if he doesn't?" Peter challenged. "And maybe we're not in danger, but other people might be."

Amadeus deflated, looking annoyed at Peter. "Fine. But the grill is sealed."

"No it's not!" Flash said hastily. "Hey, look over there!" Amadeus and Peter both turned instinctively, but Peter saw Venom jump up to the grill and yank at it out of the corner of his eye. He waited a second to turn back around, giving Flash enough time to grab a long ruler and hold up the grill triumphantly.

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