Chapter 14 - I'm Fine

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George's Perspective

I didn't want her to go on the date with Higgs. I should've made a move I know, but she is just so perfect she deserves someone better than me. I am second to Fred, second to everything and she deserves the best to offer.

I can't help but think of everything I love about her. I love how she keeps her glasses hanging on the buttons of her shirt, I love when she's focused, she clips her hair back and fiddles with her quill, I love how her curls dance in the breeze when she walks, I love how she drinks crazy amounts of coffee to function, I love her deep brown eyes that tell a story, good or bad, but most of all I love how she always pushes through, no matter how miserable she may be.

I couldn't help but feel protective over her. I couldn't bear to watch her get hurt; it would break my heart. I was in admiration when she won the bet against Lee, she was the first since our first year to ever take money from Lee Jordan, the famous gambler. Or how when she walked into class, chest showing and short skirt on, instead of shying away from the crowd, she held her head up high and walked as if it was nothing. She was the strongest person I had ever met, besides my mother, who I knew would get along well with her when they met.

Fred understood why I was worried, everyone in the school knew that Higgs associated himself with Slytherins like Pucey, and Althea meeting him alone in the dark was not necessarily a good sign.

"George how about tonight we look on the map, that way if anything happens, we can find her easily." Fred proposed. We had come into possession of the Marauder's map in our first year, and since it has served us well.

"Ok, but we can't tell Althea. She won't want us watching her date." I said bitterly. I couldn't stand watching her be with other guys, and it only made me more apprehensive in making a move.

When we finally got to class Elise went to go sit with her soulmate and Althea sat in between Fred and me. I was happy that she got on so well with my twin and that she wanted to help us with the shop, it meant the world.

Our divination teacher sat perched on her red velvet armchair. She had long frizzy hair that reached her lower back, she wore black spectacles that took up half of her face, and she wore what seemed like a shawl over her shoulders. I never liked her, she based all her teaching on something artificial, and I found Divination to be quite a useless class.

Class began and I of course was not listening. I was busy watching Althea. Her clear-rimmed glasses hanging on the bridge of her nose, her long curly hair hanging loosely from her clip, her wand moving on the tips of her fingers. It might sound weird but I also loved her writing, she wrote in slanted cursive, her quill dancing on the parchment. I was amazed at how quickly she wrote; it was as if her brain were moving at the speed of light, and her hand had to keep up. That's why she drank so much coffee, the girl had to keep up with her own brain! That made me chuckle, she was so smart that she needed something to speed her actions up, to match how quickly she thought, how was that possible? If we had kids, I hoped that they would get her smarts - but if she didn't want them, I of course wouldn't push. It is her body after all and I wouldn't pressure her.

"George and Fred!" She screamed in a whisper, glaring at the two of us. "You boys haven't written anything on your parchment!" I noticed how she said my name first, and I felt a smile creep on my lips. No one ever said George and Fred, but she did, and that was all that mattered.

"We don't need to Raven, it's Divination!" Fred said as if it was obvious why we weren't listening. She rolled her eyes at his comment, before flicking her wand. All of a sudden, her notes had been copied onto both Fred and I's parchment. I got a closer look at how she curves her 'g', the odd way she writes her 'f', and how she does her 'I'. How did I love her handwriting?

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