Chapter 77 - Taking Breaks.

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That night, the girls commanded that we have a much-needed girl's night. This came much to George's dismay as we had been planning to have my first night back to ourselves, but who was I to ignore my best friends to be with the person I would be spending alone time with every night? 

I was walking ahead with the girls of the group as we were busy planning what we were wanting to do and watch tonight, but I was pretty distracted. Last night at this time, I was coming back from an event with ripped stitches from the tight, scratchy fabric and a sense of hopelessness that couldn't even be broken by Frank. Yesterday, at this very time, I was taking a handful of pills just to get through the night with the night terrors. 

Having to go back to this was harder than I had predicted, mainly because I knew that I had left Jacques behind to be beaten by his father and in just as much misery as I was. How could I be normal here when my reality yesterday and Jacques's constant one is suffering? 

I felt a hand touch my injured side from behind me and flinched forward in pain - that one was still fresh. I placed my hand over where the hand had made contact out of reflex, feeling the throbbing, burning pain arise once again. I turned my head harshly to the offender, only to see that it was George who must've been checking in. 


My hand dropped from my rib immediately and I smiled at him, trying to ease the worry and shock that was clear on his face. That worry turned into profound concern as he probably went through the link, and I cursed this god-forsaken reflex of his to constantly check in on me. Sometimes, and I know this is going to sound bad, I wish he was ignorant enough to let me get away with being fine. It's easier to pretend everything's ok than to dig deep into why you're not.

He inclined his head with such severe concern that my heart ached to tell him everything they had done to me, to show him every scar engraved in my once smooth skin, to cry to the point of dehydration. 

Don't look at me like that, George. 

I shook my head once, so slightly that if he were just looking at me and not looking through me, he wouldn't have caught it. Don't. Don't ask me what's wrong, don't tell me you love me, don't make me stop pretending everything is fine. 

"Ok, Althea you got two choices - The Notebook, or Letters to Juliet. We can't decide and you're the only one who's good at making decisions out of all of us." Roya stated, giving me an excuse to draw my eyes away from his. 

I laughed lightly, "The Notebook is pretty morbid for a celebratory girl's night, isn't it? If we're in a Nicholas Sparks mood, Letters to Juliet is the perfect median, in my opinion. But it's up to you guys, I would be absolutely happy to watch either."

They stayed silent for a second in contemplation until all at once they exclaimed, "You're right!" Roya nodded firmly, "I will not be purposefully making myself cry to a movie I've memorized again - I did that last week." What I loved about Roya was that she was so honest, so real that you felt like you could do your worst and she wouldn't judge you for it. Her honesty and lack of attention to what others cared about her were one of my favourite traits of hers.  

"Perfect! While you guys get our setup ready, I'll go get the snacks and drinks from the kitchens!" I needed time to think, so I didn't mind walking the distance to and from the kitchens. 

"I'll join you." I heard George say with a serious tone, but everyone was in such high spirits that they didn't notice his severity.

"Thanks, babe but it's ok, I'll manage!" I told him while still looking ahead, pretending as if we were not about to fight. 

"No, darling, it's going to be too heavy for you to carry all by yourself." His phrasing didn't pass by me, and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes and huffing in anger. 

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