Chapter 40 - Return to Hogwarts

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*This might be my longest chapter yet since I didn't know when to stop. Sorry!

George's Perspective

I was preparing new products with Fred in our room when I heard my mom call frantically for us both. She never did that. Thinking we were in trouble, Fred and I eyed each other suspiciously before running down to the living room.

As soon as we turned the corner mother gave us a letter while her eyes brimmed with tears.
"What's wrong mum?" Fred asked, tilting his head to the side in question.

"Open the letter my dears." She whispered out, and I cautiously opened up the officially stamped paper.

Suddenly, the letter animated itself much like a howler,

"This is a direct message from St. Mungos Hospital for Wizards. We regret to inform you that the soulmate of George Fabian Weasley has been hospitalized for a serious injury. At 8:47 in the evening tonight, Althea Victoria Anders was brought in by emergency transfer. She has suffered head trauma and has not yet awoken. Tomorrow, she will be transferred to Hogwarts School of Wizardry where she will stay in the hospital wing until she wakes up. We apologize for the terrible news and will give you further details once you arrive at Hogwarts."

My heart sunk, my breath caught in my throat, and I stumbled backward, processing the information that had just been given. She had to be ok, didn't she? I tried delving into her mind through the link, and thankfully I felt pain. The reason I'm thankful is that the last time she couldn't wake up, I felt nothing which meant that she was in far too much pain.

"George dear." My mother said softly as she approached. She then lifted her arms and pulled me into a large hug, the one only a mother can give. She began humming the tune I had sung to Althea last year, and I felt my tense body relax slightly. When she let go I turned to Fred who had stayed silent and saw a stern expression on his face although his eyes told a different story.

"We need to go." His voice came out as a croak and I nodded in agreement.

"We need to go to Hogwarts mum."

The following hours passed in a blur as we received another letter notifying us of the safe transfer and her remaining condition - She still hadn't woken up. Knowing she had gotten hurt was eating me up inside and the fact that I couldn't be there to hold her made it even worse.

Astoria had sent us a letter saying what had happened and it brought a small smile onto my face, one that only lasted for a second when I was reminded that she hadn't woken up. We were told we could come the day before school started and all Fred and I could do was wait. No jokes were made, and the house was quieter for the first time as we weren't our usual selves. The plan was going to be that our father would portkey us to Hogwarts since apparition from Egypt to London was too far for underaged wizards, and would then go back home to prepare Ron and Ginny for school.

The day we were due to leave, Fred and I packed our trunk quickly, and I included the box of all her letters and pictures she had sent me. "Come on boys." Our father motioned us over to a small mirror that would serve as the portkey.

Fred and I hurried over and laid our hands on the small object, enduring the nauseating and rapid movement to school. We landed with a thump on the floor and said our goodbyes to our father as he left. We practically ran past the courtyard in the direction of the hospital wing, but before we could turn the corner we were greeted by a healer.

"You must be the Weasley twins, am I right?" She asked in a squeaky voice.

"Yes, but could you please let us pass? Our friend is in there and we want to see her." I was growing impatient and she could tell as her posture straightened.

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