Chapter 84 - Bows and Ribbons

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George's Perspective

Althea had barely survived the construction of that vanity, her fascination with the power tools worrying me to an incredible extent. Even when I told her hundreds of times that they were not needed, she had this obsession with them, and I thank my lucky stars every day that we both still have our limbs intact. The thing with her is that she obviously has no danger recognition and would get so distracted with talking or another obscure thing that she completely disregards the tools she would be working with - while they were still on. I honestly don't know how she made it this far without dismembering herself or someone else - I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if she has and just didn't want to tell me. She seems like the type to accidentally cut your finger and not feel too bad about it because you didn't notice her new nails or that she cut her hair by half a centimetre. 

God, I loved her. 

Over the past few days, she has been taking this independence thing incredibly seriously, and while I was all for her learning how to do new things or taking matters into her own hands, Althea - as always - had a tendency to take things to the extreme.

For example, the other day I was about to open the door for her - as I always do - and instead of being a normal girl and accepting it or rejecting it and making a point to open the door herself, she fucking curses me and sends me flying to the other end of the room. I mean can you believe that? Her defence was that I hadn't stopped opening the door for her even though she explicitly told me not to (which is a shitty argument because it has become a habit of mine to do this for her) and that she had no other choice but to send me into the wall. 

I picked a good one.

Or the other day, I went to go pay the bill for when we went out on a date - AS I ALWAYS DO - and she stole my wallet, paid, and only gave it back to me when we had left the restaurant. Apparently, me paying for her everywhere we go was only feeding into the notion that she couldn't do things for herself, which was fucking crazy if you ask me because she can do absolutely anything she sets her mind on. Althea Victoria Jane was the smartest, most resourceful, strong, and outright beautiful girl to grace this planet - me paying for her meal would never come in the way of her trailblazing. 

She was incredible.

"George, no." Her voice brought me out of my thoughts, as well as her hands that stopped mine from doing her tie. I hadn't even noticed that I had been making it - it had become such a habit to do this that I hadn't even realized I was doing it. Let the record show that Althea does not know how to tie a tie and still refuses to let me do it for her, and loses interest whenever I try to teach her. 

I groaned into her hair, this new regime of me not being able to do anything for her absolutely killing me. "How much longer are you going to do this to me, darling?" I asked her, my fingers brushing over her neck. 

"You know, George, any other guy would be happy to be in your position." She said with a smile as she looked up at me through her lashes, her gaze hypnotizing.

"And you know, Althea, that I am not any other guy." She rolled her eyes at this, a playful smile on her lips. "Let's compromise, love." 

She pondered this for a few moments, and after looking into my determined eyes, she conceded, "Name it."

"Anything that has the potential to hurt you, or anything that puts you at risk, I do." I couldn't waste this compromise, and if she allowed this, my days would be much more restful. She sighed but nodded nonetheless, knowing the state of her doing things such as handling chainsaws when she had never even played with building blocks as a kid put me in. 

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