Chapter 25 - Friends again

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George's Perspective

That night Fred, Lee, and I were heading out to the kitchens for a late-night snack when we saw the girls all dressed up and pretty, sneaking out as well.

We could tell it was a party and I suspected that it was a Slytherin celebratory one, but it was still odd of them to not tell or invite us.

It was when they all turned around that I saw Althea, in a much too short emerald satin dress, her hair tied up with a few curls framing her beautiful face. I tried to meet her gaze but as always, she avoided eye contact while Roya and Fred bickered about where they were going.

"Where'd you say you were going?" I asked, distracted from my thoughts.

Althea finally locked eyes with Fred and me, her eyes cold. "We didn't." And with that, they all left us stunned, wondering where they could be going and why they didn't want to tell us.

"Did Raven smile at you? Like actually acknowledge your presence?" Fred asked Lee incredulously, confusion clearly written on his features.

"Oh yeah, we're back on good terms. I apologized for my part in it, and since I didn't actually hurt her, she wasn't that mad. The only reason we hadn't talked earlier was that she doesn't want to be near you gits."

The thing with Lee was that he was brutally honest, never sugar coating anything or trying to make his words sound nicer. He said what he thought without thinking if it would hurt the other and he also didn't really care if it did, he was pretty chill that way.

The idea that Fred and I had hurt her however stayed. All we wanted to do was protect her so that we didn't find her like we did that stormy night - Bloody, empty, and alone. But when I saw her after talking to Theo, rather threatening him, my jealousy took over and I said things I didn't mean.

We decided to track the girls on the map, seeing that they were going to the Room of Requirement. After pondering for a while if we should or shouldn't sneak in, we decided to do it discreetly, making sure none of them saw us.

After walking past the designated wall three times, we cracked open the door and slid in, immersed in your typical Slytherin party. I searched the room, trying to spot her in the crowd, finding her in Theo's arms sharing a blunt. Hot.

I wouldn't call this stalking, just making sure that she was safe and sound, yet instead of leaving as we had planned, I found myself staying in place, watching as she took 2 shots of Fire Whiskey and dragging the sharp-featured boy to the floor.

They began dancing to the deep song, Althea dancing seductively, entwined in him. He slowly began tilting her backward and I watched in awe as her back arched gracefully, her arms pulling his head close to her chest. His face was now almost buried in her chest, causing me to clench my fists unknowingly, and as he slowly brought her up, she whispered something in his ear. She then began reaching up, causing her dress to slide upwards, barely below her ass. He pulled it down slightly and began tracing her body slowly, and I grew envious when his hands followed her lead.

That should be me.

I found myself lost in my thoughts as the song changed to something familiar, and when I looked up, I saw Lee had taken over the D. J. role as always. The reason he was invited to every party at Hogwarts was that he was the best D. J. you had ever seen, making remixes and playing music perfect for the crowd.

I saw Althea elevated on Theo's shoulder, laughing. Her dress had hitched up to her upper thigh and she had her thighs entwined over his neck and shoulders. I watched how beautiful she was, her hair free, her smile radiant, and how liberated she looked. I now understood why she loved Theo so dearly, he made her feel that way and we had been too caught up to see it.

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