Chapter 41 - The Argument

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The next morning, I was tired from a long night with the girls when I groggily entered the Entrance Hall, muttering a small hello to the twins and Lee who were much more morning people than I.

A little into breakfast the morning owls came in, and I was surprised to see my snow owl, Aspen, drop a letter in front of me. I saw George cock his head when he saw it, matching my exact reaction. I flipped the letter over and grinned when I saw the address: To Victoria Jane, From Jonathan Cho.

I quickly ripped open the letter, casting it to the side before opening the parchment inside.

Hey Vic,

Prepare yourself for a rant.

Do you remember when we went to the beach one day this summer and saw a girl? You called me a coward since I didn't ask for her number and talk to her, instead spent the rest of the day talking about her, and then you didn't stop annoying me about it for the rest of the summer? Yeah, that girl.
Well today, I went to our spot at the same beach, and guess who I saw? THE GIRL! Anyways, I thought of what you would say if you were here and actually walked up to her. We started talking and walked along the sand, turns out she's super cool. Her name's Andrea Peters - I've always liked that name, don't you?
So, I've been trying to not freak out since I need you to check her out before I ask her out - We don't want another Rachel. She gave me her number and I walked her home and she lives close to you and me which is amazing. I didn't kiss her yet since I kind of chickened out of it and I did something bad... I officially hate myself. Instead of hugging her goodbye or giving her a kiss goodnight, do you want to know what I did? I FUCKING PAT HER ON THE BACK. I desperately need you to help me. I am officially abandoning all my dignity and begging you to help me get her. Please do that thing you girls do - search her up and confirm that she's not crazy.

Stay swag,

Jon :)

By the end of the letter, I was laughing at his stupidity. Jonathan was a daredevil when it came to dangerous things, but girls? He had never mastered talking or interacting with one he liked. I rolled my eyes and giggled at his letter - He tended to rant a lot.

"Who is Jonathan, and why is he calling you by your middle name?" George asked from beside me, and I was so caught up in the idea of his interaction that I didn't catch on to the hostility in his voice.

"Huh? Oh, Jon's is an old friend." I mumbled, still smiling at his letter. He had literally spent all summer talking about her, and as soon as he got a chance, he pats her on the back. Being his wingman is the hardest thing.

I was sent out of my thoughts when everyone began going to their first class. I walked with the twins to the Potions classroom, talking with Fred the entire time as George was being strangely quiet. I figured I'd ask him about it tonight.

When class started, all thoughts of George's weird attitude and Jonathan's letter left my mind and I focused on making the perfect poly juice potion.

George's Perspective

When Althea got a letter this morning, I could tell she was surprised, I was too. I noticed her brilliant smile when she saw who had written the letter, and my curiosity got the better of me when I glanced at the name of the person who sent it - Jonathan Cho. Why was she so happy over a letter from a guy?

Her eyes skimmed over the letter and she actually laughed when she finished it, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. What could this guy have said to make her laugh? And why was he calling her Victoria?

"Who is Jonathan, and why is he calling you by your middle name?" I shocked myself at the proclamation, not intending for it to come so aggressively, but I guess she didn't hear it as she quickly dismissed him as her 'old friend'.

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