Chapter 17 - Drinking Quirks

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Althea's Perspective

When I woke up the next morning after my night with George, I found myself in my bed. The sun was shining through our large dorm room windows casting rays of light into my eyes.

"Alth wake up come on!" Elise urged, throwing me my uniform. I rolled my eyes and slammed my head back into my pillow.

"No! El it's too early!" I groaned, my eyes still closed, adjusting to the light.

She threw my blanket off of my body and I yelped in cold. "Are you mad? You do this every morning and it's NEVER too early." She huffed smirking.

"Ugh fine, only for you babe," I said as I slowly put my uniform and cloak on. Elise had always been a morning person and I was the exact opposite. I know I brought this on myself by staying up until 3:00 in the morning - I had a bad sleep schedule - but still, waking up every morning at 7:00 was painful.

Elise began pulling me down the stairs to the Entrance hall and I groaned with each step.

"Stop being such a baby!" She teased, laughing at my pained expression.

"You bitch!" I groaned; she was a pain in my ass sometimes but I loved her endlessly. We were laughing and for once I felt a small weight get lifted off of my chest. Today I was not going to think about what had happened recently, I was going to be happy.

When we finally got there, she led me to the Gryffindor table that already held all of our friends.

"How is it that you guys are late EVERY morning?" Angelina inquired, smirking at the difference between the two of us. Elise was fresh on her feet, walking with a bounce in her step and I was dragging my feet, eyes semi-closed.

"Don't ask me, ask little sleeping beauty right here!" Exclaimed Elise pointing to me. I flipped her off and found my seat between the twins, Elise across from me.

"Oh, come on Raven, what's got your wand in a knot?" Fred asked, pouting his lips. I put my flat palm on his face and pushed him away from me, huffing in exhaustion. I had gotten a massive bottle from my sister for Christmas to hold my coffee, and I loved it. I poured the coffee from the array of breakfast food and emptied it all. I added in a little creamer, ice, and some caramel before taking a massive gulp.

"Theia how is your body alive?" Lee asked incredulously, staring me down while I drank the iced coffee. I rolled my eyes at his odd comment and continued drinking. The pot of coffee that had been emptied magically conjured more of the brown substance, conveniently at the same time I had finished my own drink.

I went to go serve myself some more and everyone's eyes widened at my action. This time it was Roya to speak up, "Look I'm all for testing limits and trying new drugs, but that's too much!"

"Oh, shut it." I dismissed, putting my drink down.

"Alth, I bet you couldn't survive a week without it," Elise said, a testing look in her eyes. Everyone else murmured in agreement, even Ginny, the twin's little sister that I had become close with.

"I could! I just don't want to." I said, smiling slyly. I started eating from a small fruit bowl and put down my bottle with a thud. "You guys think I wouldn't be able to do it?" I asked them all, a competitive expression on my face.

"No, we honestly think you wouldn't be able to," Fred added, earning a nod of agreement from the table.

"Althea drinking such large amounts of caffeine per day is very bad for you." Began Hermione, "Caffeine is a drug and you're addicted." She said rather simply, which only pushed Elise.

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