Chapter 32 - Beg for it

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*From the title, I think you guys can guess what happens in this chapter ;)

George's Perspective

The next morning my first thought was of Althea - I wanted to see her, kiss her soft cherry lips, maybe go through with my promise from last night. I looked over to the clock to see that it was 12:49, since when do I sleep in so late?

I went down to the Entrance Hall to go eat lunch with the group, sitting down in my usual space only to find that she was not there. "Where's Althea?" I asked Elise who always kept tabs on her friend.

"She's studying with her Slytherin boys." Elise said casually, 'her Slytherin boys', I didn't like the sound of that.

"I'll go find her." I began getting up when Elise yanked me back down rather harshly.

"Don't be a git and ruin it again, you need to trust her." Her voice was assured and soothing, I understood why the two were best friends.

"I do, it's just-"

"Then let her be." She smiled sweetly, going back to talking with the others. A part of me had always been scared of Elise - She acted all sweet and innocent but she was extremely protective of Althea and had an air of passive-aggressiveness when she was sure of something, all concealed under her playful smile and soft voice.

When lunch was over, I went back to my dorm to the map to locate where she was and who with. She was in the library with Nott, Zabini, and Malfoy - So Elise was right. I fought the urge to go see her and take her away from them, have her all to myself, maybe continue last night, and at last, the urge to go took over.

When I reached the library, I slowed my steps down as not to be seen and peered through the bookshelves to where they were sitting. Althea as always was studying a large book that I couldn't quite make out, Theo ranting about something unintelligible, Blaise throwing a baseball up and down in the air, and Draco studying alongside Althea - Too close for my own liking. I should have left, but she was simply so beautiful I couldn't help but stare.

Suddenly she took her glasses off in a huff - Which I had learned to be her sign of giving up when she was working - and leaned her head over onto Draco's shoulder, closing her eyes in fatigue.
"I fucking hate Divination." She sighed, making the other guys laugh.

"I can help you." Assured Draco, looking down at her while smirking. I wanted to punch him right there and then, but if I did, she would find out I was spying on her.

"Please." She muttered, sitting upright and putting her clear-rimmed glasses back on. He then began explaining whatever she had been studying quietly, leaning over to look at the book. Could he just back off? I know he had a soulmate so he wouldn't want to do anything with her but still, I didn't want to watch any more of it.

I left in a huff, wanting to put as much distance between myself and Malfoy - I would just wait for her to come back. I lied down on my bed, wondering if she had even eaten breakfast or lunch, just the thought of her not doing so made me want to run over there and drag her into the kitchens.

A knock on my door sent me out of my thoughts, and I got up to go answer it. I opened it to see her looking up at me and smiling, and I don't know what took over me but I pulled her into the dorm and slammed the door behind her, muttering a locking spell.

"George what are you-" She said confusedly before I crashed my lips down onto hers. My hands found their way to her lower back and I pushed her into my body, keeping her locked in my arms. I heard her moan quietly into the kiss, only pushing me further over the edge.

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