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Roc Royal's (P.O.V)

It feels nice outside as that brisk of wind whips my way. I travel my hands threw my hair. No one was here which was odd. Actually, I don't even know or remember where I'm at. Examining my surroundings, here was a field with flowers. I stood on a hill still looking around till someone tap me on my shoulder. Turning, not knowing what to expect, it was Pandela. Not shocked, but reliefed flooded my face.

"Hey, Chresanto," she said with a smile.

"Pan.." her name spilled out of my mouth.

She stare at my lips with a childish grin then to my eyes.

Her hands touch mines. "here." She started walking down the hill. "Come on!"

Without hesitation I followed. Pandela walked ahead as the wind whip at her hair and dress. Making it to a tree with some flowers around it that's when Pan stopped. She sat down on the ground not facing me. I had so many questions running in my mind. My eyes wouldn't look away from her back so it surprised me when she ordered me to sit. I sat when she patted the ground that was right beside her.

"Whats in your mind?" she asked casually.

"What happened? I thought you were in the hospital?" I said.

"Obviously not."

"Oh," I respond. "Then do you forgive me?"

"I thought I answered that question already."

"But I don't feel so sure..."

"When was the last time you saw me?" she ask.

Umm, it was a Thursday--today."

"Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah, you wanted to die!"

Pan's eyes were glued to the beautiful view. She didn't say a thing and the long silence was getting me mad.

"And I'm so relieved that you didn't. But why didn't you?..."


"I mean you said you was. What changed your mind?"


"Pan? Pan?!? Why didn't you!?!"

"Who said I hadn't?" She spoke in a really solemn tone.

A mix of confusion and relief filled my face. In one blink I stood with a crowd of people. I no longer had my shirt with blue flowers, cargo pants and blue Timbs but a black suit and shades to match. Bewildered is what you can explain my expression now but when seeing the coffin in front of me threw me off.

Something swelling up in my throat now wouldn't let me breathe. Gasping for some air that's when Ray came up to me by my side.

He slap me on my back and that's when I could breathe again.

"Roc, it'll all be okay. Whatevers whats up," Ray said.

"So your telling me sh-she's d-dead?" I stammered.

Ray gave a questioning look. "Didn't you know this is a dream?"

My head had a surprising bang to the head and thats when I shoot myself up right, awakining from sleep. I was panting from shock as my heart excelerating to full speed. It was the thunder outside the dark night that was making the banging sounds. Cold sweat poured from my pores and the question poundered my brain if Pan was dead or alive.

Ray Ray's (P.O.V)

I forgot how this all happened. One moment I ask Nila to come over to hang, the next minute we're in my room having sex. Oh man Prod going to be so mad. I know I should stop now, that its wrong, but it feel so right! Every time I'm hitting it her fingernails claw on my back. Her legs buckle and she paint as her lips roam my chest now. Nila seem scared but exhilarated. This feeling was something I've never felt before, even in my many years of experiences. In and out, in and out, things went fast and hard and she kept moaning and clawing, there was lightning and thunder kept booming.

Nila moaned. "Ray?"

A flash of lightning illuminated the room then thunder.

"Yeah," I moaned.


Lightning. Thunder.


Lightning. Thunder.


Lighting. Thunder.

My heart was pounding like crazy as that last thunder boomed. Waking up from that cold sweat made me think. It seems crazy, maybe insane and maybe people would think of me as dumb if I was to talk about it but...I think I love Nila.


Making my way threw the dark hall to the kitchen, I saw Roc. I walked up to him and he had a glass of water in his hand.

"Roc, what are you doing up?" I asked.

"Getting a glass of water," he said taking a sip. "What about you?"

"Same." I walk to the cabinet for a cup and got me some water.

The storm outside was hectic. By now the rain and gust of wind pounder the hotel. I'll probable fall asleep like a baby quickly after. Leaning on the counter, I took a sip from my water then Roc cleared his throat. I looked up.

Roc was rubbing th back of his neck. "Ray? Dont call me stupid Pan still here?"

I shifted in my place not comfortable with his question, but just giving it thought. Roc guessed it because of me taking forever to respond.

"I miss her," he sighed. "I thought she was alive because my dream said she was."

Putting my cup down, I urge him to continue. Roc spoke about meeting her at a field and they talked for a while before he ended up at her funeral. To be honest, Roc is going threw some deep shit and I feel sorry. this sort of reminds me of Clarice and me. I know I have to let go but sometime she comes up in my head.

I put a comforting hand on Roc shoulder. "Its okay. If it makes you feel better, I just had a bad dream too." Shit, why I say that?

He raised an eyebrow. "Really? What was it?"

I chuckled nervously trying to avoid the question. "Oh nothing, I don't even remember anymore."

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