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Me and Pandela were at T.G.I Fridays to go dine. I decided on bringing her here because I new Pandela like the ice cream here. To me, the ice cream here didn't taste any different from the tub of ice cream I buy at Wal-mart. But whatever. What ever makes this niqqa happy, I always say.

"Table for two?" A waiter ask us in her high pitch voice.

"Yes." I muttered casually.

"Down that way, make a left and you two ladies can have the first booth that's by the window." She said while gesturing with her pen in hand.

"Thanks." I said with a smile.

Pandela started walking. While she was leading the way in front of me, I was examining the place. Here it look so retro like your in the 90's. It was pretty cool, they had old school bikes hanging on the wall, newspaper in frames, board games were..... I trailed off my thoughts when Pandela stop causing me to bump her from behind.

"Oww," I wince. Pain shot up my knee because I banged it by a nearby table. "What's wrong?" I ask.

Pandela didn't say anything, just stood stock still, starring with wide eyes. I finally found her gaze. It was right there five feet away, sitting down in there own table was Mindless Behavior. Ugh! Are you kidding me.

     Pandela's (P.O.V)

Sitting down, five feet in front of us, to the side, was Mindless Behavior. MB. Like, Prodigy, Princeton, Ray Ray and Roc Royal....Roc Royal! My future husband! OMFG!!! Imma about to shit a brick up in here right now!

Nila was standing beside me talking to me but I really didn't care though. Mindless Behavior is here right now and look at me, the chick that standing here having the biggest grin on her face now.

Nila started tugging at my arm. We made it pass there table with out me making a fool out of my self.

I glanced at Nila, she look like she didn't care. She looked a little mad too, from the way she was mumbling to her self. Damn, who piss in her corn flakes.

    Nila's (P.O.V)

I cant believe there here. Weren't they just at the hospital wooing the kids and parents over.

"Hey mami,'' a voice spoke from behind.

That's when me and Pandela stop in our own foot steps. I wish I could have just ignored it and continue walking but Pandela definitely heard.

 We spun around to see Princeton standing in front of use.

"Hey," Prince said while flashing a smile. Pandela was just standing here with a big smile on here face.

I on the other hand just rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry, did you need something?" I asked giving him a stank attitude.

"Ya, I saw you walking by and was wondering if I can get your number?" He smirk.

Before I could say no, Pandela cuts in saying yes. Prince pulls out his phone  handing it to Pan. I was in shock that all of this was happening all so quickly, all in one day. In no time Pan put my number in his phone, gave it back and we all went our separate ways.

"Why'd you do that Pan?!?" I ask wanting a good explanation.

She rolled her eyes, smirks and sat in our designated booth. "Why wouldn't I? It was Princeton, from Mindless Behavior. No one in right mind would deny giving there number." She stated.

 "Well I would have." I muttered." Anyways you don't give your number out like that. Stranger danger, duh."

 "Oh please, I don't know why you don't like them. There so cute, even Ro-"

 "I know, I know Roc. Roc. Roc." I repeated, now making me roll my eyes. I smirked.

 "And you could maybe get Rocs number for me one day." She squealed.

 I just smiled at the though. "Ya, I guess."

After we we're done at Fridays I dropped Pandela at the hospital. I walked straight home. When I unlock my door with my keys I open it to have the smell of fried chicken hit my nose. I entered the kitchen to see my mom cooking. She turn her head towards me and smiled.

  "Hey baby, you've been with Pandela?" Mom ask with a warming smile.

  "Yes ma." I said

  "Well could you go up and get cleaned up, I'm almost done. And oh ya, could you get Madd and Sam down." She said while going back focusing on cooking.

  "Ok," I said. I went up stairs to my room.

 After about seven minutes I was ready for dinner. I pass my bed to the door but heard my phone playing Loyal by Chris Brown. It meant that I got a text. Eager to know, I jumped on my bed and snatched my phone. I got two messages.

         *Text Convo*

[Prince♥Charming] Hey shawty :)

[Team#Nila] Not my name -_-

[Prince♥Charming] Sorry, U nvr told me

[Team#Nila] <---   Its on the left.

[Prince♥Charming] Well thats not a proper way 2 get 2 kn each other, is it? :)

[Team#Nila] What do U want?

[Prince♥Charming] Just want to ask if U wanna go on a date with my friend

[Team#Nila] Umm, i dont think so

[Prince♥Charming] oh come on its gonna b Ray Ray

Before I could text him 'hell to the fucking no' I remembered what Pandela said. The thing about her and Roc being together. But that girls crazy though, there's plenty of cute rich niqqas out there. I finally decide to go along with this just for Pan. I mean its just one date.

[Team#Nila] Ok -_- In 1 condition

[Prince♥Charming] YAY! Lol N wats dat?

[Team#Nila] If U give me Rocs #

[Prince♥Charming] Umm, ok. After the date

[Team#Nila] Ya wateve, bye

[Prince♥Charming] Goodnight Nila ;)

  *End Of Convo*

The other message was from Pan, I decided on texting her tomorrow because I was tired and hungry. I also felt like I was going to regret going on this date. I called for Sam and Madd while going to the kitchen.

I finish eating my chicken, which was delicious. Mom picked up the dishes and head to the sink until Sam stopped her. Taking the dishes from her, he offered to do the dishes while she goes to bed. Mom nodded gave Sam a kiss on the cheek and me and Madd before going to her room. I would say Sam was a suck up but that was really sweet of him. Me and Madd would have done the same anyways, that's how much we loved mom.

I head up stairs when Madd stops me by tugging on my shirt.

"Whats wrong?" I yawned.

"You still owe me five dollars." Madd reminded me sternly. She put her hand out for her money.

I sighed. I walked inside Sam's room and came back with five dollars, giving it to Madd. I didn't had any money to give. I'm a broke ass niqqa. Also that girl is greedy as fuck, always trying to empty a niqqas wallet. Probable going to use it to buy more dolls anyways. Madd smiled and skipped to her room. I just rolled my eyes and made my way into my room. I took off my clothes, then put on some footy pajamas.  Footy pajamas are what makes me happy on ok or shitty days like this. Went under my blanket, making my self comfy. I drifted into a deep sleep.

You Drive Me Close To Insane (A Ray Ray love Story)Where stories live. Discover now